Chapter Three

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'You wanked off an old man.' Ryan said in disbelief.

'I did not wank off an old man.' I blew out a breath, and my trembling hands reached up to push back my hair, 'He's young, he sounds young. Why the hell would anyone lock up Steve Rogers. It can't be him.'

'The DNA was a ninety-five-per cent match. If it isn't him it's a clone of him or some equally fucked up conspiracy.'

'Then we find out. We just need to see his face, if I could just snatch a key card-'

'No!' Ryan's hands grasped onto my arms and his pressure was firm once more making me wince, his voice raised,  'Holy shit, Mercy, do you hear yourself? You're not a special agent, you're not an Avenger, this isn't some covert mission. You're a glorified assistant, that's it.'

'I'm aware Ryan.' I shot back, 'I just need to know.' my voice was dangerously close to a whine. Now I knew that Steve Rogers - Captain America - may have possibly been several floors below ground, directly beneath me, which made me itch to run to the elevator and go and ask if it was true. My fear began to turn to excitement. If it were true I had too many questions to ask.

'Why?' Ryan asked, 'Why do you need to know? I've told you. Move on, drop the dreamy look.'

'What, come on!' I reeled, my nose scrunched at the idea that I had a crush on Captain America. And if it was him he would be ancient, maybe the super-soldier serum saved his voice from aging? I knew that was absurd but the idea of an old man giving me his cum folded in a towel was even more disturbing.

'I think this is a trap.' Ryan let me go and began to pace the office space, my eyes flickered to the door but I didn't leave. I tried to play it cool though my heart pounded still and my gut flipped in anticipation of my next interaction with the prisoner in cell six. Steve Rogers, supposedly.

'It's definitely a set-up. Maybe the higher-ups are testing our loyalty, seeing who would break out a prisoner, who might betray them.'

'We work for the good guys, Ryan.'

He didn't really need a whole lot more convincing than that and pushed up the sleeve of his lab coat to glance at his watch.

'Fuck!' he hissed and started for the door, but before he could open it and leave - his hand on the doorknob -he turned to shoot me a firm glare, a muscle in his jaw ticked,

'Don't you dare go down there, Mercy.'

'I promise!' I said, lying through my teeth. I reached up to tug on my ear, a nervous habit I had when I was trying to convince myself of my own lie. Thankfully Ryan had never seemed to notice and he left, swearing under his breath as he closed the door behind him.

I stayed in that empty room for a while, arms crossed over my chest trying to hold in my nerves and stop from sprinting downstairs. I even counted to one-hundred anticipating Ryan's return but he didn't and then I was out the door and hurrying to the nearest elevator, a few strange looks cast my way as I nearly stumbled in my heels.

I was an idiot. I echoed the thought around my mind again and again as my fingers pressed the button which led to the ground floor, from there I would need to take another elevator downstairs to get to the cells. The code for the second elevator I had but I had no clearance to open the cell or to turn the glass transparent so I could confirm my suspicions. But they weren't really suspicions, Ryan had confirmed it. Rather I was hoping just for visual confirmation.

Captain America.

I couldn't bite back the smile which spread across my lips and at someone else entering the elevator I had to hide it through a cough. Everyone in the world knew that name, that face, that ass. 

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