Chapter Five

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I tried to flee, instead, as I attempted to leave the meeting room unnoticed, agents met me on the other side of the glass doors, gloved hands grasped around my arms and began to pull me down the hall and I let out a hiss of pain as the rough touch around my arm only pinched at the bruises Ryan left.

'What's going on?' I asked in a panic, trying and failing to find a purchase on the floor with my heels as I was dragged forward.

The agents were silent, their faces like stone as I tried desperately to get an answer out of one of them. Clearly, they were instructed not to speak, I hadn't wanted to know what they were instructed to do with me. I shot a look over my shoulder in an attempt as did the agents as the glass doors swung open and Sam walked out with Steve and Bucky close behind.

I was turned as the agents shifted to face their superior and I let out a hiss at the rough movement. But it was Steve who stepped forward when his blue eyes settled on the agents and then on their grips around my arms, his gaze darkened and his nostrils flared out in anger as he spoke,

'I'm going to ask you to please remove your hands from her.'

'We don't answer to you.' the agent to my left said a little boldly and jutted his chin out to Sam standing closely behind Steve, a hand outreached to grasp Steve's shoulder but Steve rolled his shoulder shaking Sam off as he stalked forward to meet the gaze of the agent, his voice as dark as his glare,

'If I have to ask a second time it won't be politely.'

If I wasn't already being held up by the two agents I might have collapsed. The rasp of his voice caused my skin to prickle with goosebumps and I could do nothing but stare at Steve, now closer to me than he had ever been. No glass between us. If I leant forward enough I could touch him and my fingers itched to do so, to see how his skin felt beneath my fingers, I wanted to press myself against those thick and hard muscles that rippled all over his body, I wanted to bury my nose into the crook of his neck and inhale him.

Steve Rogers was alluring - he was the poster boy for America and what it meant to be a hero - but something rippled beneath his pretty exterior and I was desperate to pull him apart and discover what that was. Something feral and catastrophic. And his words only had me hoping I might have the chance of discovering what that might be.

Steve's eyes fell on me and softened slightly, offering me a small smile before he met the eyes of the agent who hadn't spoken to my right, his gaze flickering to the grip on my bare arm where the agent loosened his fingers and looked to Sam who only nodded at both agents to do as they were asked before they turned on their heels and marched down the hall.

I rubbed at my sore arm before Steve reached out to touch my face but I flinched back. It was instinctual as if my body could sense how dangerous he was, that his handsome facade hide the supersoldier beneath and he could snap my neck in one movement without breaking so much as a sweat. The look that passed over Steve's face was stormy, his lashes fluttered and he lowered his gaze and took a half-step back, his hands stuffed into the pockets of his sweatpants and my own gaze followed his movement and settled onto the outline of his dick in his pants.

What the hell was happening? Was my shock at everything that had played out turning into intense desire? How scrambled was my brain? Was it because a part of me knew Steve was a protector, a hero, a stable force in an unstable world? Did his assertiveness play into some ancient part of my DNA that was desperate to be submissive? Hell, I was feeling the feminism leave my body just looking at the moulded form of his body and the material of his sweatpants pressing against the long outline of his dick. Steve shifted on his feet and someone cleared their throat.

At the realisation that I was staring and people were aware, I swallowed nervously and tore my gaze away but as I looked up Steve's lashes fluttered and a devilish smirk played across his pink lips and I couldn't hide my own. Behind Steve, Bucky moved forward, a deep frown on his face as he reached a hand out toward me,

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