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Henry ran a hand nervously through his hair as he stared confusingly at his best friend sitting on his bed in his apartment. She was looking down nervously at her laps, her hands shaking visibly. He almost felt sorry for her but at the same time he felt a bit angry at her. He can't help but think they are in this situation all because of her. This was all her fault and now she is here asking for help from him.
"How can you even let this happen?"He asked frustratedly "don't you know how to be careful. Jeez Charlotte I expected more from you"
She looked up at him sharply
"Are you kidding me"She said angrily "are you trying to say this is my fault?"
He stood up and walked to the window looking outside
"Yes this is all your fault. If you didn't insist on staying over that day we won't be in this situation"
She was getting really angry
"I was there to listen to your rant remember and stop acting like I forced you into doing anything. Now that I think of it you made the first move"
"Why didn't you stop me Charlotte. You knew I wasn't in my right senses, are you not supposed to be the reasonable one?"
She had tried to stop him but he just kept in coming after her. Why did she even have to answer him when he called her or offer to sleep over at his place. She should have just called Jasper over. She blamed herself for trying to be the perfect friend. Maybe Henry is right, maybe it was really her fault that they are in this mess, she should have tried harder to stop him. She really didn't try hard enough.
"Henry please can we stop the blame game now and talk about what to do"She pleaded desperately.
He turned to face her
"I don't know what you think to achieve by coming here to tell me about this. This news is ruining everything for me. Charlotte you know I can't handle this right now. I'm getting married for God sake!! I can't handle a pregnancy!!!"He practically screamed.
She was already crying, she knew it was not gonna be easy but she didn't expect Henry to put the blame solely on her. His words were hurting her, it wasn't entirely her fault.
"Henry please stop"She managed to say
"You know I am getting married in two weeks and yet you are here telling me about this"
"Then what do you expect me to do? Who do you want me to tell?"She asked angrily
"I don't know but maybe try and take care of your situation and not even mention it to me. Look Charlotte you are my friend, I care a lot about you but I love Sophie too much and I really want to get married to her. You should know how much I want this Char. You saw how much I had to work hard to be able to be accepted by her family. What do you think her parents will say if they found out about this? I'm going to loose everything, my job, Sophie, everything. I really worked hard for all this, things are really setting in place for me and I  am not going to let a silly mistake ruin it for me. Just get rid of the pregnancy"He finished staring at her
"Please"He added "you are big girl you can take care of this things"
She nodded
She simply stood up wiped her tears picked her phone and made her way to the door
"Where are you going?"Henry asked
"Don't worry Henry, you are right I  am a big girl, I will be taking care of this myself, just focus on your wedding"She said.
This was the cross she had to carry for sleeping with another woman's man. She knew all too well that he was engaged yet she foolishly slept with him. She can't entirely blame him for being mad at her but she knew he could have treated her better. She took once last glance at him before closing the door.
He fell flat on his bed. How on earth did they get here. Just yesterday everything had been moving smoothly. Him getting ready for his big day with the love of his life and just in a matter of hours everything got  ruined. Why did he even kiss her that night? He was sober and he had kissed Charlotte when she was consoling him after Sophie's mum had insulted and made him feel less of a man, she came over immediately he told her about what happened. She listened to him rant all evening, she had insisted on sleeping over since it was late and it was raining heavily. It wasn't the first time she was sleeping over at his place so he didn't think it would be a big deal but he had to be stupid by kissing her. She had been trying to cheer him up, saying those sweet and nice things about him. It was the nicest thing anybody had said to him so he didn't know when or how but he kissed her, there was something in the way she was saying it that  made him feed so good about himself and he didn't know why but he just had to kiss her that night. she tried to stop him but he didn't budge and they ended up having sex right there in his living room that night. They talked about it and decided to not even think about it anymore. Things had gone back to normal for them but she had to spring this news on him.
She should have tried harder to stop, it is nothing new that he acts stupidly sometimes but Charlotte should have hit him on the head or done something to make him come to his sense. She didn't try hard enough to stop him and now they are in this mess. And she even came to tell him about the pregnancy, what on earth was she expecting from him. A hug? Soft kisses on the head? She knew all too well all he had to go through to get Sophie and how harder he worked for her family to finally give him a chance. The stars are starting to align for him. And she still came to tell him about it. Couldn't she had gotten rid of it and acted like nothing happened, did she have to tell him and make him a bad person. Did she have to turn him into a bad person. Into a bad friend, someone who turns his own back at his own child.
A horrible friend
A worthless father.

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