Guilt and Disappointments

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Henry was standing in front of the church feeling like shit. If someone told him few days ago that he will be standing in front of the church on his own wedding day feeling like shit he would have outrightly cursed you. All the excitement about the wedding was  gone replaced by a feeling of guilt and disappointment, he was disappointed in himself for the way he handled the whole situation with Charlotte and felt so guilty about it. It wasn't her fault and she didn't deserve how he treated her but what was he supposed to do? Welcome her with open arms and assure her that everything will be okay? He sacrificed so much to get to this point so there was no way he is going to loose everything. Sophie never liked Charlotte, if she ever finds out that something happened between him and Charlotte she will definitely make the both of them suffer. She will take everything from him and send him back to the street again and she won't spare Charlotte too. Maybe he was being a coward and taking the easy way out but this was the only way he knows to save both himself and Charlotte.
"Let's go inside man"Jasper said walking up to him
He nodded
"Henry"Jasper called "Did Charlotte call or text you?
He turned and shook his head
He hasn't set his eyes on her since the day they had that talk at his place. She wasn't taking any of his calls nor replying his messages except that text message she sent assuring him not to worry that she took care of everything.
"I can't believe she missed the party last night. We had a lot planned out"Jasper said "she is getting it from me once she gets here"
"Are you sure she will be here?"Henry asked hopefully. He was ashamed to face her but he really wanted her around today.
"She will be here bro"Jasper said noticing his mood "I'm sure she will"
They both made their way inside the church.
She didn't make it to church but she was there at the party. Henry found her immediately she stepped into the room he was tempted to rush over to her and apologize for what he said the last time but doing it right there wasn't exactly ideal.
"Isn't That Charlotte?"He heard Jasper said "I'm gonna give her a piece of my mind"
"Take it easy Jasper"Henry said
"You don't bail on the gang like that. We are supposed to be there for one another at all time so that young lady is getting it from me"He said and walked towards her leaving Henry feeling worse than he  already felt.
"Are you okay babe?"Sophie asked "you have been quiet"
"I am fine"He forced a smile "I'm just taking in the whole thing"
"I can't believe we are married now"Sophie said excitedly "I'm so happy"
"Me too"Henry said
"What is Charlotte's deal?"
"What do you mean? Did she say something?"
"No i mean why has she been acting weird lately. She wasn't even at your party last night and today she missed your wedding. I thought you said she was your best friend? If you ask me I would say maybe she is a little jealous"
"Sophie please leave Charlotte alone and how do you even come to this conclusions"
"I know you'd defend her"She said "I'm not going to argue over her at least not today"
"Thank God"Henry murmured
He was feeling like crap already and the last he needed was to hear bad things about Charlotte. He looked over at where she sat and saw jasper probably scolding her
"So what is your excuse Charlotte?"Jasper said
"Lower your voice Jasper"Charlotte replied "I had something urgent I had to do at work"
"Why didn't you just send a simple text. Henry was really sad that you didn't make it yesterday and this morning you weren't in church.
"Chill Jasper I will talk to Henry about it"Charlotte said
"You better do he has been sulking since last night"Piper said
Jasper looked at her suspiciously
Something was definitely going on between her and Henry. The Charlotte he knew won't even miss Henry's wedding for anything in the world. She was always around for all his birthday no matter the part of the world she was working. Something big was going on between Charlotte and Henry and it is taking a toll on both of them. Henry hasn't been himself, last night he had too many to drink and was cursing out himself while sobbing.He hated the fact that he is able to solve the problem of total strangers but couldn't figure out what was wrong between two of the most important people in his life.
"Jasp let's go and say hi to the newly wed" Charlotte said
"Go ahead"He replied "I have been with them since this morning"
"You are difficult sometimes"Charlotte said and left to go greet Henry and Sophie.
"Hey Piper did Charlotte tell you anything?"Jasper asked
"Like what?"
"No and why are you asking me are you not supposed to be the gang"She said stressing on the word gang
"I feel something is going on between her and your brother but I can't figure it out"
"I'm sure they will sort it out. They always do"
"I hope so"Jasper said really hoping this time they fix whatever the problem is.
When Henry saw Charlotte approaching them he felt his pulse increase. He was too ashamed to face her after what he already made her do.
"Congratulations guys"She said hugging both of them "I'm really happy for you too"
"Thank you"they said together
"I'm sorry that I wasn't really around last night and this morning in church I just had something important to take care of"She said looking at Henry.
"Don't worry Charlotte just do your thing Henry and I handled everything perfectly"Sophie said smiling brightly "and besides Piper and Jasper was there to help"
Charlotte smiled too
"That is good to know then. I'm really happy for you Hen and I wish you well"She said and hugged him briefly before leaving.
"Thank you"He managed to say.
He watched her walk over to  her table and joined Jasper and piper in whatever conversation they were in. She laughed heartily at whatever joke Piper made and he was really relieved to see her laugh again.
Charlotte deserved all the happiness in the world
"Please be happy"He said in a whisper.
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