Through The Pain.

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She wept after she lost her, wept till she was exhausted. And the she drifted down into restless sleep only to wake in the darkest hour of the night, cheeks wet with tears. Life couldn't be anymore unfair to her. Everything was moving on well. Her designs were coming out great and she was doing well. Then in a twinkle of an eye it was all gone, not really all gone but she lost her. Her baby. She lost her and she still can't process how it all happened. One minute she was rushing down the stairs and the next thing she saw her self in the hospital bed with her friend Gloria by her side. She looked like she had been crying.
"What happened?"She managed to say
"You fell"Gloria replied
"And my baby? Is she okay"She asked with shaky lips.
Gloria couldn't say anything instead she started crying.  She was getting extremely scared and impatient.
"Say something Gloria?"
Right on cue the doctor walked in.
"Doctor how is my baby?"
"I'm sorry miss Page but we couldn't save your baby. We tried our best but we still lost the baby"He finished
That was when her world came crashing down
"I'm sorry miss Page we couldn't save your baby" the sentence kept on ringing in her ears. 
She didn't know what to say or do but she knew the burning sensation in her chest will not be going away. She turned to her side and sobbed silently.

She gave herself one month. A month to cry and feel sorry for herself. When the month ended the business of life would begin. But until then she was going to lock herself in the room and mourn the death of her unborn babygirl. This was nobody's time but hers. Time to lick her wound. Time to make sense of what happened. Time to get through it. She believed she will be alright but she needed this time to feel well with herself again.
Through all the pains and disappointments she faced through out the past month she raised her arms and opened her heart and welcomed the healing. She knew would be fine again. Maybe not entirely fine.
But Charlotte Page will be okay.

Gloria looked up from her phone. "Charlotte" She screamed at the lady standing right in front of her. It had been almost two months of no communication at all. She had tried numerous time to get to Charlotte but she had shut her out. She was extremely happy to see her Standing right in front of her looking like her normal self.
"I missed you so much Charlotte"she said throwing her self at her as both ladies hugged each other tightly.
"I missed you too Gloria"She replied
Gloria was her closest friend here in Italy, she was the only person that knew about what happened between her and Henry. She is like a big sister to her.
"You said you will be back after one month"She asked with teary eyes
"I needed more time my friend"
"I totally understand and I'm really happy to see you again"she nodded.
She completely understood
No amount of time was enough to get over the death of a loved one. She too lost her  boyfriend two years ago but she is still not able to get over him completely. So she understands perfectly what her friend is going through.
"I'm happy to have you here dear"Gloria added squeezing her hand comfortingly.
Charlotte smiled at her.hh
"What about you move  back to the house"Charlotte asked "the house is empty without you"
They had been roommates briefly after the accident until Charlotte begged her to leave so she can be alone and put her life back together.
"I need you Gloria please"She added
Her friend nodded
"Anything for you"
"Thank you so much"
"We are friends girl and friends watch out for each other"
"So what did I miss at work?"Charlotte asked her
"Nothing you can't make up for and Mr Aldo has been a pain in the ass since you left"
"When has he not been a pain in the ass?"
"This time it's worse. He is constantly nagging and shouting and I think it's your fault"
"What do I have to do with that?"
"You know you are his best designer"
She laughed
"It's true. He said it himself the other day. I'm sure he will be happy to have you back"Gloria added
"I know I'm great right"Charlotte joked flipping her hair
"Shut up"Gloria said smacking her arm playfully
"I should go say hi to everybody"Charlotte said "I think they should know that the great and awesome Charlotte is back"
"You know you are too cocky for your size right?"Gloria joked
"Hey"Charlotte said "don't bring my size into this"
Gloria laughed and held her friend's hands
"Let's go tell the other that Charlotte is back"She smiled
"Let's go"Charlotte smiled back and they made their way out the office.
The love Charlotte got on her return to work brought her close to tears. Everybody was really happy to see her back to work.
Mr Aldo even threw her a mini welcome party and expressed how happy and relieved he is to have her back. 
"Come  Charlotte let's take a selfie"Gloria called "I need to update my social media"
Charlotte smiled and walked over to her.
"Say cheese"Gloria said
"Cheese"they said together and the pictures were taken.
"Oh well see how great these pictures turned out"Gloria said
"Anything with Charlotte Page In it always turns out great"Charlotte winked
Gloria rolled here eyes
"Posted" She said
"So what about you fill me in on the latest happenings at work. I still have a lot of catching up to do"

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