Mio tutto

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Charlotte Page was  in her shared apartment with Gloria. She has been worried about her friend Henry since that call with Piper one week ago. The younger Hart had called to let her know that Henry was getting a divorce and for some reason Jasper and Henry doesn't want her to know about it.
She was genuinely shocked to hear that Henry is ending his marriage with Sophie. He was so in love with her and was ready to do anything just to be able to marry her. Piper also mentioned that Sophie swore not to make the divorce process an easy one for her friend.
She had called Jasper immediately the call with Piper ended and he confirmed Piper's story. She didn't hide her annoyance with him for keeping something so important from her. Divorce is so big and nobody mentioned it to her. Jasper assured her not to worry that him and that Henry were already taking care of everything. Yet she still she can't stop worrying.
She had been able to fight the urge of picking up her phone and calling him for the past week.
But today she couldn't resist anymore, she dialed his number but he didn't pick her calls. She was sure he intentionally ignored her call and she felt sad.
She sighed tiredly.
"What are you sulking about"Gloria asked joining her "don't tell me it's about the Henry thing?"
"It's not about the Henry thing"She denied "why does everything have to do be about him?"
"Well because you have had that expression since that your talk with Piper days ago"She stated "so it's definitely the Henry thing"
Charlotte sank deeper into her chair
"I called him this morning"
"He didn't take my calls"
"He ignored my calls Gloria"
"Maybe he wasn't with his phone"
"That's not true. He never ignores my call. He did that intentionally"
"And you are sad about it"
She nodded
"I just feel so sorry for Henry. I know how hard he must be suffering now and he doesn't have anyone to talk to"
"He  has Jasper and piper and his parents"
"That's different Gloria. I'm sure he is dying to talk to me. To tell me about all his problems and hear me tell him everything will be okay. Henry always comes to me first whenever he has even the slightest problem. That's why I feel so bad that he doesn't even want to talk to me about his problem. Maybe I treated him so badly. I think maybe I over reacted. Do you think I should send a text?"
"I think you should let him be. And you don't have to feel bad for anything because you didn't overreact. If anything you under reacted. I think Henry is probably ashamed to talk to you or maybe he wants to get his life together and start all over"
"Jasper mentioned something about him fixing his life"
"That's what you wanted right? For him to start all over"
She nodded
"Then let him do that. He needs to learn to fight his own battle and not depend on you for everything. I believe that's why he is ignoring your calls. He is doing exactly wanted you wanted"
"It's sad that things have to be this way. We all ended up broken and far away from each other. I never thought there would be a day when Henry and I will act this way towards each other. It's weird but I hate that I might not be part of that new life I wanted for him. That he might not need me again. None of us got our happy ending, not even Henry. It hurts Gloria right here."she said pointing to her heart.
"You are in love with that guy"Gloria stated
"What are saying?"
"I have been suspecting it but I wasn't too sure and didn't want to jump into conclusion but yeah you are definitely in love with that Henry Hart"
"Stop girl. Henry is just my friend and do you think I can be in love with him after all that happened"
"I didn't think so too but you are clearly in love with him. That's why you worry so much and make up excuses for him"
"I'm not stupid Gloria, I can't be I. Love with him and I worry for Jasper too. They are my best friends. One seems to be in a difficult situation right now so it's right that I'm so worried for him"She said defensively
Gloria smiled
"I don't know if I'm supposed to be happy or sad for you"
"I am not In Love with him. I'm just really close with him so people tend to mistake that for love. I know what I feel and it's definitely not love"
"If you say so. I really hope you don't make the same mistake twice Char. I believe you should move on and focus on the big picture. You came to Italy to start over then do so. Try out new things and stop living in the past or wondering what could have been. I love you friend and I want what is best for you and truly Henry is not"she patted her back and left her alone with her thought.
"I'm not wondering what could be"She shouted "how could you think I'm in love with Henry. I know my feelings"
Why on earth would Gloria think she is in love with Henry. If she loved him that way she would have said something. She just cares so much about him that a lot of people mistake that for love. Since they became friends she was always a source of strength to him. Always cheering him on and providing solution to his problem.
He once called her his everything and core of his existence.
"Mio tutto"He has said that day smiling so brightly at her, their fingers intertwined.
"Is that Italian"She asked amused
"Yea you should know. You are the one planing on going to Italy"
She smiled
"You speak Italian now"
"I'm trying to keep up with you"
"What does it mean?"
"My everything"He said staring at her "you are my everything Char. My source of strength and the core of my existence"
She was smiling so brightly. Her face almost breaking into two from grinning so much.
"Mio tutto"He said again with the same expression.
She smiled at the memory. Things were perfect then. She had never been close to anybody the way she was with him. So it's absolutely normal for her to worry so much about him.
Jasper on the other hand clearly doesn't want her to know anything about Henry. He doesn't bring him up in their conversation and when she talks about him, he just gives vague reply. It is like he was in sort of agreement with Gloria to keep things about him from her. She didn't like it but she understands they mean well. They are probably worried about her.
Piper was her only source of getting information on Henry and she told her he wasn't doing so bad.
He stays with Jasper in their former apartment and is looking for a small space to start up a studio again since he sold the old one.  He is really determined to get his life back on track.
She was relieved that he is doing okay. So she decided to force herself to not worry about him and mind her own business. She moved to Italy to start over. That's exactly what she is going to do and also prove to her friend that she is not in love with him. She will check on him from time to time but that will be it. She doesn't want to give off the impression that she is in love with Henry again.
"Why on earth would Gloria think that?"She asked the empty room.

Henry stared at his ringing phone, Mio tutto was boldly displayed on the screen. For the first time in a while Charlotte was calling. She probably heard about his divorce. A huge part of him wanted to pick up the call and talk to his dear friend. Then he held back because of the promise he made to Jasper to give her space till he finds himself again and let her heal completely.  So he turned his face away from the phone.
The last time he had a serious talk about Charlotte with Jasper, he had promised that he won't burden her with his problem and will try fixing his life.
"Jasper"Henry called him that night initiating the conversation "I have something to ask you?"
"Alright spill"Jasper said
"This has been bothering me for a while"
"What is it?"
"It's about Charlotte. I noticed you have been trying to keep me from talking to her. I don't know if it's intentional but it seems you don't want me to talk to her or get close to her. I have been trying not to think about it but it bothers me. Don't you what me to be friends with her again?"
"It's not like that Hen. Don't get me wrong here"
"Then what exactly is the issue? I know I was really harsh and unfair to her but you keep me away from her like I'm a plague and it doesn't feel nice to be honest"
"I'm sorry you felt that way but man that wasn't my intention. Henry i just want you two to be happy. And right now I believe you too need space from each other. It might not make sense to you but staying away and sorting your feelings is the best thing for the two of you now.  I also need Charlotte to be okay. We need her to properly heal so she can be able to come back to us"
Henry thought about it for a while and nodded
"Alright"He said "I'm going to stay away from Charlotte for now"
"I'm sorry I'm making you do this"
"But promise me that when the time is right and if fate permits and somehow Charlotte and I find our way back to each other, you won't have a problem with me and you won't try to come between us"
"I promise Henry. I just want you two to be really happy. If fates reunites you two again who am I to stop. I just want my family to be happy"
"I know man. Thank you"
"Thank you for understanding"Jasper said
Henry was determined to keep his word to Jasper. Stay away from her while he fix his life hoping that someday they will find their way back to each other.
If they were really meant to be then certainly they will be together. It's going to be difficult doing life without his very core of existence.
His everything
"Mio tutto" He whispered

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