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When ever Charlotte left town things seemed different for Jasper. He never liked the idea of her working so far away from home but he couldn't complain or stop her, then he knew she will surely come back and there was Henry to always hang out with. And Mrs Bolton was always there to take care of him. But Now he is all alone. No Henry to hang out with and definitely no Mrs Page. He spent his free time alone at the bar except on days Piper drops by to check on him or bring him food. He tried to immerse himself in his work to help distract him from reality. Since Charlotte and her mum left he has been feeling really angry at the whole world. He despised how things had to turn out for him and his friends. Piper didn't say much to him but he could tell the change affected her too and he found out from her that Henry had been languishing at the Hart residence doing nothing except come down to eat and go back upstairs to his room.
At first he thought it served him right for everything he did.
Heck! his decision made them end up this way.
Then he remembered that promise he made to Charlotte. He promised her he would make up with his stupid friend. Honestly he needed his friend back. Apart from Charlotte, Henry was his only friend and maybe Piper.
So on that fateful Friday evening after work, Jasper Dunlop made his way to the Hart residence.
"What in the name of devil is going on in this room"Jasper said as he put on the light in his friend's room causing Henry to slowly open his eyes "why are you sleeping by this time?"
"Get lost Jasper I don't feel like talking to anybody now" He said and turned his face the other way.
"Get out of that bed you lazy thing"Jasper said annoyed pulling the bed cover.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?"Henry barked
"I should be asking you that"Jasper shouted back "have you lost it? Ain't you supposed to be married? Don't you have work? What the heck have you been doing here for the past two weeks leaving your wife alone at your own matrimonial home as abandoning work?"
"I see Piper has been opening her big mouth"
"Why are you bent on destroying your life Henry?"
"What is it to you what I do with my life? Last time we talked you said you can't be friends with me again then leave me the fuck alone and focus on your business"Henry replied
"The thing is you don't only destroy your own life, you always make sure to bring other people down with you. Like you did with Charlotte and now Sophie"
"I didn't know you like Sophie this much"
"Unlike you some of us know how to take responsibilities for their action"
"Just go home Jasper I'm not in the mood for long speech"He said
"When are you planning on growing up Henry Hart? You have had it easy all your life, when are you going to learn to take responsibilities for your action and face the consequences head on. You clearly don't have Charlotte to babysit you anymore"
"I don't need babysitting from anyone. I am an adult"
"Then act like one for once in your life"Jasper said still annoyed "sit your sorry ass up, go back home and fix your life and home. You really don't have to be miserable"
"I don't have any strength to fix anything. What is the point of fixing a marriage without love"Henry said
Jasper sighed and moved closer to him
"I think you should go home to your wife first"he said calmly this time
"Jasper I don't think I love Sophie"
"Shocker" Jasper said sarcastically
"I don't even know if I ever loved her. I was so intrigued with the fact that someone in her league will be so into me that I mistook all the excitement for love. I made a huge mistake Jasper and now everybody I care about is paying for it"
Jasper joined him on the bed
"So what do you want to do now?"
"I don't know. All I know is that I shouldn't have gotten married. I don't want to be married anymore"
"Do you know what you are saying?"He asked softly
"Yes Jasper I want a divorce"
"Henry Hart you know this is really going to be tough. Going up against the Neil's. Sophie's parents will take everything from you"
"I know and honestly I don't care"
"They will surely leave you on the street. Don't you think there is a little chance your marriage with Sophie might still work. You guys can find something to hold on to. Well she loves you"
"There is no hope for us anymore. All we do is argue"
"I fear for you Hart. I really do. Your are going up against one of the most powerful family in the state"
"I know but this is what's best for everybody. Sophie too. She deserves someone who would love her back and that's can't be me. I don't know how to"
"Because you are in love with Charlotte"Jasper said
Henry looked at him sharply
"Stupid boy"Jasper said "you are so oblivious to your own feeling. You are so dumb, can't even do anything on your own"
"How did you find out?"
"It was too obvious. Everyone knew except you of course"
"Why didn't you make me realize it? I have gotten so used to her that I didn't even know when I started having romantic feelings towards her. Jeez Dunlop you couldn't have helped a friend and saved us all these drama"
"Idiot. How can you not know your own feelings and what is the possibility that she feels the same way?"
"You know she does"Henry said
"How do you know that?"
"I know these things"
"Now you are an expert on feelings"He said with an eye roll "well there might have been a little chance she felt the same way but not anymore. You don't have a chance with Charlotte anymore. So don't ever think of going after her"
"I'm not planing to. Chill man. One would think I'm the devil or something"
"Judging by your action towards her you are not that different from him"Jasper said "I don't approve of you and Charlotte. She deserves someone better who will love her and treat her like she truly deserves. Don't even think you have a chance with her if your divorce happens"
"I get it man"Henry said "I don't even know where she is. so chill. The devil is not going to do anything"
"Calling your own friend a devil"Henry murmured but Jasper heard it anyway
"It's good she is far from us"He said after some moment of silence.
Jasper nodded
"Now she can truly focus on herself and not worry so much about two grown adults"
"That's true"Henry said sadly "I really wish her happiness. I hope to see her really happy again"
"Me too Henry. Not just for her but you too"
Henry smirked
"You might have done stupid things but I want you to be happy again. She wants that too you know?"
Henry nodded
"This might be too much to wish for but one day I really wish we can all be happy together. I hope we will be able to sit, drink and laugh again"
Jasper just smiled
"I wish that too"
"Thank you Jasper. You are the best friend anyone could ask of"Henry said
Jasper nodded with a smile and the two friends hugged.
"I almost forgot"Jasper said
"Charlotte wanted you to have this"He said handing over a letter to him.
"Did you read it?"
"I'm not like you Hart. I know how to not overstep
My boundaries"
Henry rolled his eyes at him
"I get that I'm an asshole, you don't have to remind me every minute"
"You will have to deal with it"Jasper said with a smile.
"Go ahead read it"he added
"Not with you here"
"What the f..."Jasper said with disbelief "I left my work to come and make you feel better but you can't just read an ordinary letter with me here and you said we are best friends. So much for friendship"
"I really can't believe you thought I would read it out to you."Henry said with disbelief "The letter was addressed to Henry not Henry and Jasper. It's time for you to leave Jasper"
"Unbelievable"Jasper stood up "you are such a terrible friend"
"Bye Dunlop"Henry said as he opened the door for him to leave
"Devils first son"He muttered and left
Henry laughed at his friend's obvious frustration
"See you next time"He shouted before closing the door.
"Thanks Jasper for everything"He said to himself while making himself comfortable on the bed to read Charlotte's letter to him.
Thank God for friends like Jasper Dunlop

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