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Disclaimer : All the characters written below are imaginary and a work of pure fiction. There is no resemblance to any incident or situation and is written as work of fiction.

Karan scrolled through the hashtag. Their hashtag. After coming out of the house he had figured out how much they were loved. They had video mixes and edits all over the internet and since that night his only solace had been those. Every night he would come home after a hard day at work and go through a few videos. He would be careful enough not to like any. Sometime he used to wonder how would Teja react to it. He sometime would go to her profile and scroll mindlessly. They used to follow each other. And the only interraction they would have is when they commented on each other's instagram post. That too very rarely.

He was sitting at a friend's place on his friend's birthday. After an hour of celebration he had quietly moved to an empty corner. He was not like this before. He had his share of heart breaks and unrequited feelings and breakups as well. He had been upset and sad but never like this. His day revolved around her memories. He would connect everything to her.

"Hey...." Jessica came and sat beside him and he immediately locked his phone. The last thing he wanted at the moment was to let any of his friends know what he was going through.

"Hey...." He gave her a warm smile.

"So what I wanted to say is...." She said with a teasing smile. "There is this girl...."

Before she could complete he looked up at the ceiling.

"Not again Jess...." He sighed.

Since the last couple of months all his friends have been trying to set up with someone or the other and the thought of being with a girl other than her somehow creeped him out. He had changed.

"Arrey listen she is very good and will like her....what's the harm to get to know her?" She frowned. "And she likes you...."

"I don't want to get into any sort of relationship now....and definitely not in any fling...." He said seriously.

"I would never ask you to get into any fling Karan...." She said genuinely. "Trust me when i say this she is your will like will go ahead....i know you...."

He didn't say anything. It was pointless to make anyone understand because they won't.

"Shreya...." She gestured at a girl sitting at the other end of the hall. "She is a model...."

"I don't want to know Jess...." He said in irritation and got up.

"What is up with you were not like this...." She said looking at him.

"I don't know...." He muttered.

"Do you love somebody?" She asked looking at him.

He licked his dry lips.

"What is the issue then?where is she?" She asked frowning. She could guess who the girl could be but was not sure.

"She is in love with someone else...." He gulped and for the first time in months he could feel his eyes brim with tears. He quickly wiped the corner of his eyes.

"Then do you realise you have to move on?you cannot spend your life like this?you have all the more reason to meet Shreya...." With that she got up and pulled him with her despite his protests.

She took him to shreya and introduced them and left asking them to enjoy.

He did make small talks with her out of politeness and she was really sweet. He didn't feel uncomfortable but the only thing that made him conscious were his friends. He wouldn't mind being friends with her. She was sweet but his friends would really take it to another direction.

By the end of the party as they were leaving all his friends had made sure he was left alone with her and they left with someone or the other. He knew why. They wanted him to drop her. So it was just not Jess but everyone was trying to play cupid. He sighed and rolled his eyes.

"I'll drop you...." He said politely and went out with her. There was media all around. He sighed again. After BB his life had become an open book. He was grateful about the love and attention that he got but even on certain days when he went out on personal work he was photographed. He didn't mind it most of the days but some days he felt weird. A camera was there to capture him always. He felt bare.

He guided her to the car and made her sit inside safely. For him , his friends were also subjected to this frenzy. He felt guilty sometimes. He waved at the reporters. Most of them were known to him. And then he sat in the driver seat and drove away to drop her first.


Teja laid on her bed and scrolled through their hashtag on instagram. She giggled seeing some funny videos and then smiled sadly seeing some romantic edits. In a parallel universe this could be true. Where they would be together.

She went to his profile and checked his last post. It was made two days back. She had liked it the day he had posted it. But since the last two days she had gone to his page for infinite number of times to check the photo. And she knew she would keep doing this until he posts a new picture. That was her routine since the last three months.

She went to his tagged sections and saw his papped videos. She would always do it. But for the first time today he was with an unknown girl. Over the period of three months she had figured out who all were his friends and this girl was definitely not one of them. She closed her eyes and the accumulated tears ran down her cheeks. She hated herself for crying. How could she be so weak. When it was her decision to not let him through her. He was ready for it. It was her who jad not let him. Pushed him away. Why would he wait?she knew this day would come one day or the other. She knew it would hurt her. And it did. She could feel the physical pain in her chest.

He had finally moved on.

Note: Someone commented whether this is written as a whole or just the prologue since i mentioned my best friend read it. I have 9 chapters written and she read till there. I hope you are liking this.

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