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Disclaimer : All the characters written below are imaginary and a work of pure fiction. There is no resemblance to any incident or situation and is written as work of fiction.

"So?whose call are you waiting for?" He asked and sat on the floor of the balcony leaning back on the wall so that he could see the sky.

"How do you know?" She sat beside him and stretched her legs out.

"I just know....tell me now...." He said looking at her. "Is it him?that guy?"

She shook her head.

"Then?" He asked softly.

" closest friend...." She whispered and gulped.

Karan kept quiet and waited patiently for her to continue.

"I don't know what happens to her from time to time....she cuts me off completely....i know her since my college days and she knows how dependant I am on her...." She let out a deep breath.

He held her hand and gave it a squeeze. For the first time she felt someone was there for her to listen to her. Without any judgements.

"We fight on stupid things Kundri and then she will cut me off completely....i lose my mind....i keep texting her but she won't reply....and then one day she would and behave as if nothing has happened...." She wiped her eyes before tears could fall.

"She fought with me before I went to the BB screwed my mind....and now also she did....a few days is my birthday Kundri....i expect her to text me if not call...." Her voice choked by the end of it.

"Do you want me to only listen or you want my take on it?" He asked softly.

She looked at him immediately. Not a lot of person will have the maturity to say this. Sometimes all she needed was someone to listen and not give her advise. Nobody got that till date. Why would he make it even more difficult for her? For her to not be with him? But this time she wanted his take.

"Tell me what do you think?what would you have done if this happened to you?" She asked looking at him.

He turned his body to face her completely and sat folding his legs.

"So first of all let me tell you i have nothing against your friend so please do not think i am instigating you against her...." He said seriously and she rolled her eyes. Why does he have to come up with a disclaimer. She isn't gonna judge him.

"Go ahead Kundri...." She said taking in a deep breath.

"So i see a pattern here....may be deep down subconsciously she gets irked because you did well in she tries to shake you up whenever you have something big....a big show or a big day?cause she knows you have given her the power to do break you emotionally whenever she wants...." He said softly.

She closed her eyes. Exactly the truth that she never wanted to hear.

"I cannot live without her...." She said letting the tears fall. "I need her with me....i need to share things with her...."

"Teja in any kind of relationship you need two people to cannot be the only one to contribute...." He said holding her hands. "And that includes friendship...."

She covered her face with her little palms and sobbed. And he let her. She needed those tears to vent it out form her system.

After a good five minutes of crying she finally stopped. She leaned back on the wall and didn't even bother to wipe her dried tears from her cheeks.

"Does that guy affect you as well or is this thing only about the friend?" He asked slowly.

"He always will....but it's not his is my is my brain and my complexities that makes things worse for me when it concerns him....he is one of the best people i have ever met...." She said as fresh tears rolled down her cheeks.

Karan saw her face under the street lights. Why would any guy in the world make her cry? He must be completely heartless to do that.

"He is get this unconditional love from he committed to someone else or is it just that he doesn't feel?" He asked softly.

She shrugged not knowing what to answer.

"Can't you make this love of yours your happiness?without getting hurt without him make him your strength....yes you will not be together but you will get strength from the love you have from him?"

And it started to rain. They both looked out and smiled softly. She looked at his face and smiled. He loved rain.

"How to get strength Karan?when you look at the person and you know that he is everything that you want...." She said staring at him.

"Exactly that is the thing that will give you strength...." He said immediately.

"You get strength from your girl?" She asked softly.

"I do....she gives me the impetus to become whole myself...." He smiled widely.

Stop it Karan. Stop making it more difficult for me.

She closed her eyes and licked her dry lips.

"You love rain don't you?" She asked trying to change the topic.

He nodded.

"You remember?" He asked surprised.

I remember everything about you.

"Yeah I do...." She chuckled.

"Uncle uses the same perfume that I use?" He asked out of the blue.

She looked at him startled.

"Actually I saw the same perfume on the side table...." He said casually.

Shit. He had noticed. How foolish of her to not move it away.

"Yeah...." She muttered.

What else to say?that i spray it on my cushions and pillows and blanket?so that i miss you a little less everyday?

"We were good friends in the house right?" She asked softly as he leaned back on the wall again looking at the rain.

"Not good....Closest...." He chuckled.

"Why did we drift apart?" She asked looking at him.

Because of the driving rain of unrequited love.

"Karan?" She took his name on not getting an answer.

"But see we never drifted away...." He said softly gesturing at how they were sitting and talking.

"True....i would want it to stay this way....i don't want to lose this is too precious for me...." She said softly.

"Neither do i...." He smiled softly at her and then looked back at the rain.

Sacchhi mohabbat shayad wohi hai
Jiss mein junoon hai
Par do dilon ki yaari mein bhi toh
Kitna sukoon hai....

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