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Disclaimer : All the characters written below are imaginary and a work of pure fiction. There is no resemblance to any incident or situation and is written as work of fiction.

Teja looked at her phone screen and contemplated on whether to call him. It was around 10:30 at night and he had put up a story some minutes back from his house so he shouldn't be that busy. Still it felt weird to call him. But she knew she had to. She didn't have much of an option.

She touched the call option and closed her eyes as heartbeats went up again. Everytime she would think about him , she would end up feeling the same. The kind of affect he had on her , she doubted whether anyone else would ever on her.

"Hi Teja...." He said in his deep husky voice. She could feel that he was smiling.

"Hey...." She said softly. " are you doing?"

"Good....just chilling and watching a say...." He said as he paused the movie and leaned back on his couch relaxing.

"I am good....umm actually....i have invited everyone from in not everyone technically but most of them to my place for dinner on the 9th....we are gonna have a sleep over sort of a situation....umm....if you are free can you join?" She said slowly.

"Yeah i know...." He said casually.

"You know?how?" She frowned.

"Umar asked me if i was going...." He chuckled.

"Oh...." She pursed her lips. "So what did you tell him?" She asked anxiously.

"The truth...." He said with a teasing smile.

"What truth?" She frowned more.

"That you didn't invite me....until then....when he asked...." He tried hard not to chuckle.

Yes I invited you the last because I didn't know how to call you. I didn't know how to hide it from you that I planned this entire thing just to spend my birthday with you. Something I cannot do alone with you so I had to call the others too. I hope you are free Kundri. I hope you would come.

"Will you come?" She asked directly ignoring everything , not being able to control the urge to ask him anymore.

"I will...." He said softly.

"Okay then see you...." She said softly.

"What do you want?chocolate cake or some other cake?" He asked casually.

He knows it is my birthday?i didn't tell anyone. I just said it was dinner.

"Kundri you don't have to...." Before she could finish he cut her off.

"Chocolate or anything else?" He asked rolling his eyes.

"Chocolate...." She muttered under her breath but he had heard.

"Cool...." He said softly.

"See you then...." She muttered not knowing what else to say. How else to continue the conversation.

"See you....bye laddoo...." He said softly.

"Bye...." She said softly and disconnected the call.


Karan took in a sharp breath and exhaled it to calm himself down. He was standing outside her house on the 9th. It was around 9:30 at night. Finally he rang the bell and tapped his foot in anxiousness.

Her mom opened the door and smiled warmly at him.

"Come beta...." She said lovingly and he smiled at her.

He went inside and opened his shoes and touched her feet.

"Aunty can you please keep this in the fridge?" He asked politely and gave her a packet of the cake.

She nodded lovingly and pointed at the stairs.

"They are upstairs...." She said sweetly and he understood that some people have come.

He nodded sweetly and went to the stairs and saw her father was coming down.

He waited patiently for him to come down and touched his feet.

Her father patted his back warmly. They exchanged greetings and he went upstairs.

"Beera is here...." Nishant said as soon as he went upstairs. Nishant and Vidhi were sitting in the lounge of the first floor.

Teja who was sitting on the floor and was taking something out from the drawer looked up as soon as Nishant uttered the words.

There he was. In his black shirt and grey cargo pants. She took in a few deeo breathes to calm her nerves. Just him in front of her and she was losing her mind.

He smiled at her softly. To say that she looked beautiful would be an understatement. She was wearing a simple blue co-ord set with her hair kept open. Just the way he liked.

She took out the book from the drawer and gave it to Vidhi.

"This is the one you were asking for?" She asked and Vidhi nodded.

"Kundri sit...." She said sweetly.

He thought for a while. Should he give her a hug?a proper one or a side hug?or should he just let it be and sit. He decided on the later and sat beside Nishant.

Teja went downstairs and came back with tea and snacks as everyone started to pour in.

"Chai seriously?where is khamba?" Nishant rolled his eyes.

"Pehele chai toh pee....abhi bohut time hai...." Teja hit his head playfully and chuckled while everyone laughed.

The party began in full swing from sometime after. At about 11:45 Karan went downstairs and asked her mom to give the cake from the fridge.

"Uncle aunty please come upstairs...." He said sweetly.

"Nahi beta aap log enjoy karo nuh...." Her father said lovingly.

"It's her birthday....she will be cutting the have to be there....please i insist...." He said politely and they finally agreed.

They went upstairs and he kept the cake on the centre table.

"What?it's her birthday?" Rajeev asked in shock.

"Haan nalle...." Nishant rolled his eyes.

"Oh shit....why didn't you tell it's your birthday party?" He asked looking at her.

"Arrey just like that...." She chuckled.

Karan and Vidhi lit up the candles and she cut the cake. She fed her parents first and then Karan.

"Happy birthday...." He said softly and gave her a side hug and then fed her some cake.

"Thank you...." She smiled widely and went to the others to feed them the cake.

After the celebration her parents had gone downstairs and they sat with their drinks and chatted.

Karan looked at her who was sitting across him. She was not in her usual self. She was continuously looking at her phone as if she was waiting for someone's call or text.

May be that guy? What as idiot. He didn't wish her yet?how can someone hurt this girl so much?how can someone not love her back?

The thought itself made his heart sink. Only if it was him , he would shower her with all the love of the world.

It was about 3 in the morning. Almost everyone has passed away drunk on the floor of the lounge area and a few were talking nonsense amongst themselves.

But she was still restless.

She looked at him to find him already looking at her. He moved his head to the right and gestures her to come to the balcony and then he himself got up and went to the balcony.

She closed her eyes and let out a deep breath before getting up and walking to the balcony behind him.

TejRan : If Only I Could SayWhere stories live. Discover now