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Rosé Pov

I woke up to the bright sunshine coming through my window, the first thing I saw was Y/n sleeping beside me and we both were naked. I smiled remembering the memories of last night, I got off my bed and saw my room was a complete mess, I spotted y/n's shirt lying on the floor I wore my inner wears and wore y/n's shirt on top. His one shirt was enough to cover my body, I stepped out and went inside the kitchen I started making Coffee for y/n and Tea for myself. 

It was 6.45 in the morning and all my members were asleep by this time so it was pretty quiet in the dorm, all of a sudden I felt warm hands wrapped around my waist pulling me into a back hug. "Morning," the man behind me said, "Good Morning" I turned off the gas and turned to face my man. 

He pecked my forehead as I turned to him "Need to admit you look hot in my shirt" he said checking my outfit. "It's mine now," I said pulling y/n into a kiss, the kiss was again a passionate one he lifted me and placed me on the kitchen counter and we continued making out. 

"Gosh get a room you too," Lisa said with a disgusted face, Behind her Jennie unnie and Jisoo unnie stepped outside the room. "Were you all sleeping together?" Y/n asked because we all had our personal rooms at the dorm. 

Y/n Pov

"Well we couldn't help you both we so loud yesterday," Jennie told which made us both embarrassed "Well nice abs y/n," Lisa said which made Chae glare at her and cover my body with her hands, "I'll get a shirt first," I said and ran to Chae's room. 

Chae followed me inside her room, "Can I get it back?" I asked pointing at the shirt she wore. "Take it"  

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