A (possible) New Friend

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Tyler hated school. He tried to do well, he really did, but when he was in maths all the numbers jumbled up and he didn't understand them. In English he could never find a partner for projects and honestly he didn't really care about Shakespeare or persuasive techniques (well, maybe he would if he could put up a solid argument without his voice quivering and cracking). He hated PE because he hated his body and hated the shorts they made him wear because if they were three centimetres shorter he would be showing off his scars and he was scared that if they rode up people would see. The only subject he really enjoys was music, but even that had a twist because if he wanted to play around with the piano or sing people would hear him, and he really didn't want that.

This particular morning, he decided that he probably should go, as he'd missed two days this week and his dad would get suspicious.

He looked at his phone, seeing that the time was 6:30. Tyler jumped out of bed, showered, and put on black skinny jeans, vans, a black floral shirt and his favourite hoodie. He grabbed his bags and an apple, and walked to the train station about a kilometre from his house.

It was a cold day, and Tyler found himself shivering as he waited for the 8 am train. He checked his phone again. 7:45. He had seriously misjudged how long it would take to walk so he started to munch on his apple. To his surprise, he saw a boy walk into the station, looking lost. He was very attractive, that was the first thing Tyler noticed. He had thick dark brown hair in a weird cut, and he had a nose piercing and gauges.

Tyler immediately got nervous, new people usually affected him but not this much. Then, to Tyler's surprise the boy sat down next to him.

"Hi, I'm Josh," he explained, " I was wondering if you knew where the 8 am train left from?" He asked, choosing his words carefully.
"Um... I-It actually leaves from this platform, it's my train too." Tyler replied, this boy was beautiful and Tyler was nervous.
"Oh that's cool, what's your name?"
M-my name?? I'm Tyler." He was blushing.
Nice work, you've scared him already, weirdo.
"Tyler, I like it."
Tyler really liked the way Josh said it. More than he should.

The two boys talked until the train came, proceeding to sit next to each other. Within the 30 minutes on the train Tyler discovered that a: Josh was 17, a year older than him, b: he played the drums, c: he was single (when Tyler found this out he almost did a little dance) d: he had just moved from Seattle to Ohio (a|n I know nothing about America forgive poor Australian me ) and e: Josh was bisexual. ( yet another happy dance from Tyler).

They got to school, and Tyler offered Josh to take him to the office to get his timetable. When they had gotten it, they found that they had art, maths and music together that day.
"Dude this is sick!" Josh exclaimed.

The rest of the day was a blur for Tyler, but he fell asleep quickly and happily that night.
Hello again, I hope it wasn't too terrible (or too late!). I'm terrible at writing dialogue but I tried my hardest!
-nicøla 💕💕💕

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