Jarvit Ch3 p2

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‘Let go of her hand slug!’ Edwerd’s harsh voice made Jarvit blink. He found he was standing beside the carriage holding the hand of a tall lady with the pale face, dark eyes and auburn hair. She had an indulgent smile on her face as she looked at him. Edwerd pulled his hand away.

         ‘I am sorry your ladyship, a new servant. He comes from the country and is a half baked bumpkin. Please come in and rest yourself after your journey.’ Edwerd gave the elegantly dressed lady his arm, she took it and they walked up the steps. Just before she went inside however Lady D’Braggatio looked back at Jarvit over her shoulder.

         ‘Jarrvit.’ Came the silvery voice and Lady D’Braggatio stepped out of sight into the dark interior. Jarvit felt as if he were still in that other world as he stood staring after her.

         ‘Get inside idiot!’ Delia’s hissed instructions came from the doorway and the spell around him was broken. He closed the carriage door and raced up the steps, Delia pushed the door to behind him.

         ‘What did you think you were doing? We thought you had gone mad staring at her ladyship like that for so long.’ Delia said as she led the way back to the kitchen.

         ‘Did I? I don’t remember staring.’ said Jarvit, not that he was going to tell Delia what he did remember. That he would keep for Silva.

            ‘She spoke to you.’ Silva repeated in a flat tone after listening to Jarvit’s account of his meeting with Lady D’Braggatio.

            ‘Yeah, over her shoulder she just said my name, that’s all.’ Jarvit had not been able to repress his eagerness in telling Silva and he was puzzled by her response.

            ‘Your name. My Lady spoke your name.’ Silva slipped off the wall and turned toward Jarvit. He could see that she was upset. She shook her head and took a deep breath.

            ‘I really thought you were different you know. I mean I wouldn’t trust Delia as far as I could spit. Jowls and Walters would just repeat anything they heard to his Lordship. Agnes won’t talk about anything. But you, I thought at least I could trust you, confide in with confidence. Foolish of me but I thought you were truthful. Turns out you’re just like all the rest,’ she finished. She turned but before she could go Jarvit jumped off the wall and grabbed her arm.

            ‘What do you mean?’ he said angry at her disbelief. ‘I have told you the truth.’

            ‘No, Jarvit. You’re a liar. A liar!’ Silva almost shouted.

            ‘I’m not. Why do you say that?’ Silva pulled her arm from him and marched inside. Jarvit stormed after her and caught up with her in the corridor. ‘What makes you think I’ve lied?’ he whispered, not wanting anyone in the house to hear them.

            ‘Because Lady D’Braggatio cannot speak, she’s mute. That’s what, see? She could never have spoken to you, never.’ Silva left him frozen in a state of shock.

            You heard her. You can hear her.

Jarvit wanted Silva to believe him. He hated knowing that she thought him a liar and dreaded that this might end their friendship. Then he remembered Delia, she had been on the steps, she would have heard everything. Jarvit ran to the kitchen. Silva was already helping Delia with the washing up by the time he came in. He went over to them.

            ‘Delia didn’t I hand Lady D’Braggatio out of her carriage earlier?’ Silva gave him an arched look.

            ‘I’ll say you did. Standing there staring like a fish out of water he was,’ she confided to Silva.

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