Jarvit Ch10 p1

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Chapter Ten

Jarvit stared at the thin scared old man that he had last seen a year ago. Then Hep had been a fat bully. Jarvit could hardly believe it was the same person. Bender stood transfixed between the two. Then Jarvit became aware that there were loud voices coming from the other side of the fallen tree behind him and he turned.

            ‘What have you done with the boy?’ Jarvit recognised Stretcher’s voice, then Holen’s deeper tone.

            ‘Speak you servile ape before I rip your throat out.’

There was a bright flash and a crash that seemed to still the rain and wind for a brief second. Then there came more shouting and sounds of fighting. Jarvit called out.

‘I’m here,’ but realised that no one had heard. He could not see anyone nor what was happening for the tree foliage. So glancing at Bender he clambered back through the tree to the carriage.

Slats and Stretcher were struggling with a wriggling, shouting Edwerd beside the carriage. Quilp had his hands locked around Holen’s throat and his wiry legs were twisted tight around Holen’s body. Jarvit realised that Quilp had one of Holen’s arms pinioned in the constricting grip of his entwined legs. Holen was staggering backward down the lake shore. Quilp’s skirt flapped around as Holen struggled and tried to fight. Jarvit rushed towards them, deciding that Slats and Stretcher could mange Edwerd. Jarvit jumped at Quilp and tried to prise his hands from Holen’s neck. But Quilp’s hands seemed embedded into Holen’s skin. The warlock had just tightened his grip and laughed. He spat in Holen’s face and seemed to not even notice Jarvit. Jarvit could see Holen begin to loose colour. The large man slipped as he staggered back into the lake water.

Jarvit knew he had to do something to help. He stopped hitting at Quilp and stood still to concentrate. Quilp began to mutter a spell as Holen bent at the knees in the murky water. Jarvit remembered the agonising pain Mrs Rawfish complained of with her arthritis. He wanted Quilp to suffer that pain. Jarvit screwed up his face and willed it. But all that happened was that Quilp gripped Holen’s neck even tighter. Jarvit decided it was not working.

Then the image of notary Sudlow came to his mind. Jarvit concentrated on the feel of flames licking up the inside of the throat from a furnace stomach below. He felt the horror and smelt the stench of burning flesh. He closed his eyes and in desperation willed Quilp to feel and smell it. He stood rock still and blocked out all sound as he willed it.

Jarvit became aware of a shout and opened his eyes. Holen was up to his waist in water and was backing away deeper into the lake, clutching his throat and coughing but pointing at Quilp. Bender, Hep, Slats and Stretcher holding Edwerd between them, were standing on the edge of the road looking at Quilp. Quilp, the hem of his grubby skirt floating around him, turned to Jarvit and began walking towards him. He opened his mouth as if to scream but made no sound. Jarvit began to back away. A single tongue of yellow flame flicked out of the side of Quilp’s mouth. The waist band of his skirt began to smoulder. Jarvit stumbled. The silent opened mouthed Quilp stretched out his hands towards him. Jarvit fell back over a stone, his head submerged under the water. Frantic he scrambled up wiping the water from his face and eyes. Quilp was almost face to face with him. Jarvit could see hatred in his eyes. A small flame emerged frorm the corner of one eye socket and licked across the iris and pupil. At once orange flames began creeping up Quilp’s hair and face. Jarvit noticed the ends of Quilp’s outstretched fingers were turning black.

There was a sudden engulfing roar of flame and Quilp’s entire upper body was gone. A gentle fall of black fatty soot came down with the rain. Quilp’s legs and the remains of the skirt toppled backward into the lake.

As one, Holen and Jarvit rushed out of the water and they stood transfixed on the shore staring at the spot where Quilp had recently been.

‘You used his magic against him,’ Holen said, rubbing his throat. ‘I’m impressed. You learnt something from me then.’

‘Your thanks are accepted,’ said Jarvit, feeling sick with the smell. Holen grinned and went round the carriage to Stretcher.

‘I think we should get out of here,’ said Bender. ‘Come on, back to Porthky. Slats, Stew, help me put those horses back in harness.’

‘Where’s the Sprightly?’ Jarvit said realising as they hitched up the horses that the Sprightly was missing.

‘The who? You mean the carriage driver? He ran off, I think, as soon as we arrived. Just left his passengers to it.’ Slats said. ‘Wouldn’t have said he was very sprightly myself.’

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