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"P-Papyrus... Calm down.. Please-" I say, I see Orange liquid leak out of Papyrus' mouth and eyes, the Hunger taking him over... Papyrus was deathly silent and suddenly launched bones at me, I perked up and avoided the bone attacks, one bone neared stabbing into my side but I used the hatchet Sans gave me and whacked the bone away from me. "Papyrus! Listen to me! I'm not your enemy! I can help you!... Please!-" I shouted helplessly at the husk of what once was the lovable skeleton my mother wrote about...

As I pleaded, all this creature wanted was something to eat... But I... I simply couldn't bring myself to fight him... More Bones were launched towards me, I dashed to the side onto the ground. "S-Sans! Help me!-" I shouted, Papyrus slowly approached me and summoned a bone into his hand, he was about to stab into my chest, "No!" I used my hatchet and whacked the Bone out of Papyrus' grasp. "GRAH!" Papyrus then suddenly lunged onto me, trying to take a bit out of my neck, I felt the clamps near my neck but narrowly miss me. "G-Get off of me!" I suddenly kicked Papyrus off of me, holding my hatchet tightly.

I breathed heavily and I heard a voice whisper into my ear, "Do it... He's not Papyrus anymore... He's a monster... Truly... Only one cure for that... Take his life... Get stronger, Aliza" The Voice of Chara whispered to me as Papyrus breathed heavily, "H-Help me Frisk... S-So Hungry-" Papyrus begged, Papyrus' mercy shined through The Hunger... I teared up slightly... "I-I... I-I can't kill him... H-He's not in control of himself... H-He's sick... H-He needs help-" I spoke to Chara as I stumbled backwards and then began to run off away from Papyrus as to get out of range, I couldn't help him, but that didn't mean I had to kill him... I just had to find the cure... But before I could run away, I saw a figure standing in my way... The figures eyes flashed yellow briefly before flashing blue and teleporting right beside me... "You need to go, now Aliza!" Sans shouted as he grabbed my arm and dragged me out, I saw a tear roll down his face and didn't respond to him, and followed behind him without question... "Sans?... S-Sans!... F-Frisk!... D-Don't leave me please! I'm hungry!... I-I don't want to starve!" Papyrus shouted, Papyrus' pleas grew more silent as Sans kept leading me away

"... S-Sans I'm... I-I'm so sorr-" "Don't... Don't Aliza..." Sans didn't want to hear any apology from me, Sans grumbled and his eyes flashed orange and blue, seemingly struggling to keep the hunger back... "I-I just... I thought I'd have more time, Kid... I-I knew... Bringing you in... Introducing someone new to our lives would eventually get to him... I... I-I just thought we'd have more time" Sans spoke to me as he led me out of Snowdin.. "Can't you go back? Without me I mean... It's just me that mess his psyche up... You can help him-" "I can't!... Once the hunger takes complete hold of you, that's it Aliza..." Sans cut me off as he let go of my arm, Sans then sighed and began to walk off, out of Snowdin... I took a few deep breathes and put the hatchet back in my backpack and followed behind him... "So we're just gonna leave him there?... Is that it?..." I asked, Sans sighed heavily.... "Yeah.... Y-Yeah for now..."

The world that The Underground had become had obviously destroyed Sans... Both physically and mentally... It hurt me to see him like this... Before I could speak to Sans, Sans spoke up, "We're here.... CrestFall..." Sans said as he put his hands in his pockets, "CrestFall?" I asked, Sans sighed... "CrestFall... No one really comes through here anymore... Except... Her.... A woman..." Sans spoke bluntly, I was more worried about Sans then whoever this woman was. "Sans, you're scaring me... We can't just... Forget about Papyrus back there... That's not healthy" I said, Sans chuckled softly, "Heh... Kid we're all "not healthy" down here... Some people just have it better than others... Trust me kid... I've been down here my whole life... Before The Hunger and after The Hunger... Aliza... You have to get out of here... You have to leave us down here..." Sans said coldly before I grabbed his hand, "Sans... I told you already.... I came to the Underground for two reasons... To free the monsters... And to find the man my mother loved... I found you.... I'm not leaving the underground without you" I said, trying to talk some sense into Sans.

".... Kid... There is no cure.... By freeing us... You will bring death and misery to the Surface Aliza...." Sans said coldly as he let go of my hand, beginning to walk off... "I'll clear a path up ahead for you Kid..." Sans said as he took his own axe out, "I'll meet up with you soon kid... I.... I need to process everything that just happened..... I know you do too, kid" Sans said, before Sans left I looked at him, ".... Stay safe... Sans" I said softly, I didn't want to lose my father figure just as soon as I had found him, Sans nodded his head, "You too Kid..." Sans said as he teleported off.

There I stood in the overgrown cavern, alone... It was at the very least warmer than Snowdin... The guilt of what I had caused to Papyrus eating away at me... I... I could've killed him, but I didn't... But, is Papyrus better off like he is now?... Or should I have put him out of his misery?... I was only thinking of Mother throughout this all... Mom would've shown mercy to everyone... Even if it was truly life or death.... That moral compass is not the same with Sans... I saw Sans murder those monsters in Snowdin... Sans isn't a good guy, but... He's the only friendly face I have around here anymore... He's also the closest I have to a father... I have to find out whatever Mother saw in him.... Mom wasn't a foolish woman, she had wit... Why would someone as compassionate as her settle for someone like him?... Someone who lacks morals.... Maybe he had morals before The Hunger.... Maybe not...

As I walked into CrestFall, I took a quick glance at my hand... Taking one of my gloves off... My hand was entirely skeletal... I breathed heavily, "O-Oh my God..." I spoke softly in shock, I slowly began to pull up on my jacket sleeve... My arm was turning skeletal, but I saw human flesh still on it, but... The Hunger must have evolved, since my Mother never wrote about The Hunger affecting her... In fact, I assumed humans were immune to The Hunger... She may have been wrong, I moved my jacket sleeve back into place and put my glove back on... Trying to shrug it off... And keep on pushing forward.

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