On our way.

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I was confused and didn't believe my eyes when a letter came saying I was accepted to Hogwarts. I have never heard of this school, nor did I believe that magic was real. Sure I would run around with Bartholomew pretending we had magical powers but it was just pretend. He was my best friend but I hadn't seen him in a whole year due us moving away from America to Britain. My parents are from here but moved after finishing school then moved back when they found out when they found out they were pregnant with me and my twin. 

On that note not only did I get a letter to so called wizard of school but also did my twin sister Nellie. We both had so many questions for our parents who had been home with us when these letters had arrived."Mum? Dad?" I said in a confused tone, walking towards the kitchen, my twin close behind. My mother had just finished dinner and was moving it over to the table where my father was sitting with his usual cup of tea he would always drink with dinner.

 My sister and I both had our respective letters in hand. "What is Hogwarts?" my sister said, moving past me and showing our mother the letter who was now standing next to our father. "Hogwarts?!" They both exclaimed. My father jumped up out of his seat and picked up our mother in an embrace and twirled her around.

"Is this a school for magic tricks?" I asked confused as why would there be a school for magic tricks, they are silly and won't help here on the farm but I would be able to surprise Bartholomew with them.

My father put down my mother and she walked off to a drawer as my father responded by saying, "No, honey, actual magic." My father then turned to her as she pulled out what seemed to be a stick out of said drawer. Nellie and I looked at each other confused. I grabbed her hand and hugged her arm as I was nervous as to what was about to happen.

My father looked at us and waved this stick around in the air and a blue stream came out of it and flowed into the kitchen. The next thing I knew the plates and dishes started to come out of the kitchen and into the dining room and landed on the table neatly. I couldn't help but look at all of this with pure awe. My mother walked over at us and came down to our level.

"Hogwarts is the school me and your mother went to before moving to America. We would have told the two of you about this sooner but, you see your father and I are the first ones in the family with magic in a long time." She said. My father placed a hand on my mother's shoulder. She looked up at him as he said to us, "There is this law that the ministry of Magic put in place, where we are not allowed to tell Muggles, people without magic, about magic, and if it does get out we have to erase their memory." After a short pause, he continued to say, "As your mother said, her and I are the first time in the family who have magic in quite a while, there was a chance that you may not have gotten this letter."

"If we told you about magic and if you were to never to receive this letter we would have to obliviate you, or erase your memory." My mother said, and my father continued, "But we are ecstatic that you did receive this letter."

"Yes we are, so eat up because there is a lot to learn before you start." My mother finished. Nellie and I ran and sit at the table to quickly eat as we wanted to learn as much as we can. While I was more excited than Nellie as I always loved learning new things. "Not to fast girls!" My parents laughed.


A few weeks have gone by and my bags have been packed. I have checked and re-checked them to make sure I had everything I needed. All that was left was to get some sleep and to not worry but that was a lot easier said than done. I had left my light on and kept reading over the notes I had taken not to long ago when my parents told us about Hogwarts, like how there are 4 different houses that we can get sorted into and each house can gain or lose depending on the actions we take throughout the year. The part that interested me the most was the class on magical creatures. I have always loved animals. 

I have also made a list of all the places we needed to stop by for all of the essentials like Olivander's for a wand and some other stationary shops for notebooks and pens and books. Maybe if we have time we can look around but its the night before we leave and I need some sleep.


It was finally time to get up but after nights of not sleeping due to the nerves of going to a Magical school was difficult. My father had to call my name multiple times until I finally got up. He helped Nellie and I pack our bags into the car and we headed towards the train station. I'm not sure when but I fell asleep on the way over. All the sleep I had missed had taken a toll.

When we finally got there my mother woke me up and we packed our things onto a trolley. "Remember girls we need to go to platform 9 and 3/4." my father said.

"But how are we supposed to get there? I've only ever seen whole numbers." Nellie asked before I could. "It's right there." My father says while he pointed towards a brick pillar with a sign next to it that was brandished with the number 9. "Where?" I asked as I turned towards my father, "That's just a pillar." Nellie added. "It may look like that but just watch me." My father lined himself up straight with the pillar and ran towards it. I thought he had gone crazy and was going to collide with the wall but somehow he was able to run straight through. "How did he do that?!" Nellie and I asked at the same time.

"I'll tell you once we get through, Come on girls one at time. A running start helps."

Nellie and I looked at each other, unsure as to who will go first. We hadn't noticed that our father had come back through to see what was keeping us. "What's going on girls? Are the nerves getting to you?"

We looked at him and nodded slightly. "Here I'll go with you," he said as he walked to stand behind me, "And your mother will go with you." As my mother stood behind Nellie. My father walked me towards the pillar opposite of the one he had run through earlier. We began to run towards it, I was hoping we would still be able to get through.

I had closed my eyes as I was scared we were to collide with the wall and get hurt. I opened my eyes again when no collision came and we began to slow and I saw that we were on the other side. It was amazing, this platform looked like any other platform with red bricks framing the building. The first thing I noticed was the big red and black train labeled Hogwarts Express. There were red signs going down the platform labeled 9 3/4 and also had the label of Hogwarts Express. There were so many other kids my age and older saying goodbye to their parents. My mother and Nellie had run through the pillar to join us. 

"Now girls, Like I said before we ran through, that is a portal that opens up only a few times a year. Once at the beginning of the school year, again at the end of the year, and all the vacations like Christmas." My mother said, following with, "Now (Y/N) you have your list with where you need to stop for all your essentials correct?" 

"Yes mother." I said as I pulled out the paper that had names of different shops scrawled along it.

"Good, we'll help get your belongings onto the train." My father said as he grabbed Nellie's trolley. We walked along with our parents towards the entrance of the train as one of the attendants grabbed our trolley's and started to load on our bags. "Well girls it's time to go. We love you very much." My mother said as she opened her arms and pulled Nellie and me into her arms. My father wrapped his arms around all of us.

They let go and my father stayed down on one knee looking at us. "We will miss you girls, I know you will do fantastic in your classes." He said to us while holding our hands. My mother looked at me and said, "I'll be sure to take care of all the animals while you're gone, I know how much you care for them."

We had a small farm, we had 2 horses, 2 chickens and 2 cows. It wasn't much but I did care for them a lot. I always feed them in the mornings and cleaned the horses and cows. "I know you will take good care of them." I responded because I reminded her of how much to feed them in the mornings and how they liked to be brushed, I even wrote it down and placed it on the fridge for her to remember. 

We finally climbed onto the train and luckily found an empty cabin. I was scared to leave. I wasn't even sure where we were. Are we still in London? Where are we even going? It was completely different to regular school. Would Nellie and I even be accepted seeing as we barely know anything about the wizarding world. Nellie and I sat next to each other, I was hoping that nobody was going to come in and sit with us but we would have to wait and see wouldn't we.

Thank you everyone for reading the first chapter I'll try to get the next chapter out as soon as possible thanks again everyone!

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