Hogwarts, Here we are

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Nellie and I were sitting in a fair sized cabin. The walls were this pretty red wine color with the seats being a nice mahogany color. There was a small window pointing out to the platform where our parents were standing, waving and blowing kisses. Nellie and I waved and blew kisses back. As we were waving back, the horn of the train went off signaling that it was about to leave. We sat back down as not wanting to fall once the train started to move. 

I looked over to Nellie with a shy smile. My legs bouncing from the nerves. I was scared as this would be the longest we'd ever been away from our parents, but also going to a place we never knew existed. "Calm down (Y/N), we'll have each other. All will be fine." Nellie said placing a hand on my leg. I couldn't help but keep bouncing them up and down as I needed some way to relive the nerves.

"But do you remember what Mum and Dad said? There are different houses, What if we don't get into the same one?" I said moving over to sit on the other side of the cabin. "We're twins, we've always gotten the same things. How could we not get the same house?" She replied just as someone opened up the sliding door to our cabin. It was a girl with curly black hair and dark skin. Someone was standing behind her but I wasn't able to see them very well. "Hi, um, I was wondering if we could sit here with you." She said looking back at her friend. I still wasn't able to get a good look of him. I simply nodded, while Nellie responded, "Of course, come in." She waved her hand to sign that they could come in. She walked in and sat next to Nellie before I could move and sit next to her, then came in a boy with shaggy light brown skin, that swopped in front of his face that was splattered with freckles that looked like constellations. He sat down next to me and looked at me in the eye with his blueish green eyes. I gave him a small smile before I quickly looked away and out the window. My parents were still standing outside the window. My father waved to me with a smile on his face and my mother made a heart with her hands. I waved back to them. 

The train started to move as my sister said, "My name is a Nellie." and offered her hand to the girl sitting next to her. "Leta Lestrange." the girl says taking my sisters hand, she then offers her hand to me "(Y/N), Nice to meet you." I said with a shy smile and took her hand. Leta looks at her friend and so does my sister while I looked at the ground, "Newton Scamander." The boy simply says without making eye contact with anyone. 

"I don't remember seeing you last year, is this your first year?" asked us, first looking at me than to my sister. "Yes, it is. Actually you see, we just found out that the wizarding world existed." My sister responded, Leta looked at her shocked, not believing her. I just looked down at my hands and fidgeted with them scared at to what she might say. "Why would your family keep it a secret from the two of you?" Leta said curiously. "Because they were the first wizards in our family in forever, they were scared that we would not get accepted to Hogwarts and would have to obliviate us." She responded.

I tried to stay calm but got harder by the minute. I didn't want people to think we were odd because of this but Nellie had already told our 'secret', so who knows how much teasing we'll be getting. She could be a very popular student and tell all of her friends and we could be the laughing stock. 

My legs were starting to bounce up and down again. I looked out the window trying to find something else to focus on. I guess they noticed my nerves because Leta said, "Nerves getting to you?"  I looked over to her and she was staring right at me. I could feel the heat rising to my face and I quickly looked away and gave her a shy smile. "Calm down, (Y/N)." My sister said while resting her hand on my leg. "I'm alright." I said as I rested my head on the window and looked at all the scenery that passed us by.

"Newt and I are in our second year. Find one good friend and it's not as bad as you think." Leta said. Right as she finished saying that, a woman knocked on the sliding door and opened it. "Would anyone like something from the cart?" she asked. Leta had asked for some chocolate frogs. The woman handed her the frogs and Leta gave her some money while thanking her. She closed the door and walked to the next cabin. 

"Since you just recently heard of Hogwarts, you probably haven't heard of these." Leta said as she opened the box and a literal chocolate frogged jumped out and landed in my lamp. I couldn't help but give it a wild smile. Nellie had jumped back in her seat. I looked up at her and decided to tease her a little by saying, "Calm down, Nellie." I followed it with a small giggle. She looked at me with an annoyed look as she sat down normally. The chocolate had jumped from my lap to the window and than towards Newt. I ducked my head not wanting it to land on my head. It landed on Newts arm. He had a warm smile and he grabbed the frog before it could jump away and handed it to Leta. "You have that one." she said while opening up another box being a bit more careful so it didn't jump out.

 She grabbed it and handed it to me, then opening the last two and handing one to my sister and keeping one for herself. "Well it eat up before it melts." she said as she took a bite. I looked down at the frog that was squirming in my hand. I didn't want to eat it, don't get me wrong I love chocolate but this one was moving and I didn't want to hurt it. "I like to eat the head first, it gets it to stop moving." Leta said, while looking at me.

"I don't want to hurt it." I responded. I noticed in the corner of my the brown haired boy sitting next me shift and look at me. "It's only moving because of magic, it's not an actual animal with feeling." Leta responded. I looked up at her, then I looked over to the brown haired boy who was once again looking at his chocolate frog. I noticed that he also hasn't taken a bite of his frog. "I don't think I can, I'm sorry. May I have the box?" I said feeling sorry that she had bought me chocolate and refusing to eat it. She handed me the yellow and blue box that was labeled with Chocolate Frog in yellow on the top. "Don't be sorry, Newt, doesn't like to eat them either." She said while also handing Newt a box and I placed the little frog in the box I had and closed it. 

"(Y/N) always had a soft spot for animals." Nellie said as she finished her chocolate along with Leta. "Trust me on this, if you give her a chance to talk about them, she will never stop."  I looked at the ground with a shy smile and said, "Sorry." in a joking turn. "No your not." she said with a smile and looked out the window and gasped. "Is that Hogwarts?" I turned to look and I saw a castle coming into view. I had a look of pure awe when I saw it. "Yes it is." I heard Leta say. Oh how I couldn't wait to start to learn everything. 

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