Together yet separate

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"Welcome to Hogwarts. I am headmaster and Professor Phineas Nigellus Black." says a tall man with black hair, dark eyes and a pointed beard. "In a few moments you will walk through the doors behind me and join your classmates but before you can take your seats you must be sorted into your houses. They are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin." He continued looking around at all of us. "Now, while you're here your house will be like your family. Your triumphs will earn you points, and any rule breaking and you will lose points. At the end of the year the house with the most points will be rewarded the house cup. You will also have bragging rights until the following year. Wait here, the ceremony begin shortly." He finished before walking off into the room behind him.

"What house do you think we'll get?" I quietly asked Nellie. "I'll gladly take anything but Slytherin, remember what mum said? There's no witch or wizard who hasn't gone bad who wasn't in Slytherin." Nellie said before Professor Black came back and said "We're ready for you now."

All of the new first years filed in to the Great Hall behind Professor Black. There were candles floating around to giving the room plenty of light and made the ceiling look like the night sky. Everyone else had already filed into the Great hall, each student sitting at their respective house table. Everyone was talking to their friends like you would see in any other school. We all walked towards the end of the room where there was a single chair at the front with a large brown witch hat on top.  "Stand along here." Professor Black said as he turned and pointed just in front of him. "Before we begin I have a few start of term notices I wish to announce. First years please note that the Dark forest is strictly forbidden to all students. Also our caretaker, has asked me to remind you that the 3rd floor corridor on the right hand side is out of bounds to everyone who does not wish to die a most painful death." he said with a serious face.

I leaned over to Nellie and very quietly said, "You know where I'll be going." Thank god that I took ventriloquist classes so I could easily talk without moving my mouth. "You better not get into trouble this early." She said back just the same as she also took the same classes. "They don't know about our famous lies, we can get away with it." I responded quickly. "Maybe they have a way to read our minds, you can't underestimate them." She said just as fast. She was right, I'm going to have to gain the trust of some of them and learn if there is any mind reading spells or potions. It maybe a while until I can explore.

"Now when I call your name, you will come up and I will place the sorting hat on your head and you will be sorted into your houses." Professor Black said as he unravelled a scroll, presumably having all of our names listed. "Nellie (Y/L/N)" he said. We quickly looked at each other. We smiled at each other excited to hear where she's going. She walked up the steps and sat down on the chair where the hat once was. Professor Black placed the sorting hat onto Nellie's hat and it started to talk, "A (Y/L/N), glad to see that your family's magic is returning. Hmmm very interesting, where to put you." Nellie had a sheepish smile on her face the whole time. "Ravenclaw!" the sorting hat finally choose. The Ravenclaw house erupted with excitement.

I wish I had gone first because hearing what Nellie got, I now knew where I would go. We always got the same things since we were little. "Percival Eckley." Professor Black called out. A boy with blond hair walked up with a sly grin. He sat on the chair and the Professor had brought the hat above his head and it barely touched him before it shout out, "Slytherin!" Did the Sorting hat just guess? It barely touched him so how would it know where to place him. Either way the Slytherin house erupted just like the Ravenclaw house did before.

Soon after the Professor called out my name. I proudly smiled and walked up and sat on the chair. Professor placed the hat on my head, "Ahh another (Y/L/N), even more interesting than the last. Very interesting." Is that bad I wondered? I'm still going into Ravenclaw, right? "Hufflepuff!" the hat yelled out. The Hufflepuff house also erupted happily to receive a new member but I couldn't help but be shocked. How could I have not gotten the same house as my sister, we were alway together and doing and getting the same things. I looked Nellie and she was just as surprised. "Well on you go, we have other students to get to." Says the professor shooing me towards the Hufflepuff table. I walked off trying to look happy, I truly was but it definitely was going to be strange not being by my sisters side.

I looked around at the people at my table and I saw a familiar face, Newt Scamander. I would have been a lot more nervous if I hadn't met him on the train. I sat there quietly as Professor Black continued to call the rest of the students.One by one each of the students walked up and got the hat placed on their head and then walked to their allotted house. Once everyone had their seats, Professor Black called out, "Let the feast Begin!" as food magically start to appear on the table. "Wow." I said quietly looking around.

I didn't believe it was real until I saw the other students grabbing food and placing it on to their respective plates. After everyone else around me grabbed their food is when I went to grab mine not even caring of how sanitary it was, I mean when was the last time any of us washed our hands? 

I went to grab some chicken when all of a sudden a partially see through head came straight through the table. I gasped and dropped the piece of chicken that was in my hand. Who ever it was who had just popped through the table turned to look at me and sad, "Welcome to Hufflepuff!"

More and more of these spirits, I guess you could call them came flying through the room with glee.

"Hello Sir Nicholas." said a student who was sitting a few seats over.

"Hello, how was your summer." Sir Nicholas responded as he continued to rise up through the table and turned to look at the boy who had spoke to him. I picked up the piece of chicken that I had dropped as the student and Sir Nicholas continued their conversation about how Sir Nicholas' request to join the headless hunt being denied and how it was possible to be nearly headless. I wish the new student who had asked that questioned, didn't since we were trying to eat.

Soon it was time to head to our dormitories. I had quickly gotten up and ran around the tables to give my sister a hug. I wasn't sure if we were going to end up in the same dormitories or not but just in case we didn't I needed to hug her. I walked back over to my table just as my house started to walk off. "Hufflepuff this way." an older student said as he walked out of the room. Soon after another student piped in with, "Keep up, don't need anyone getting left behind on their first day. Thank you."

After a few turns we got to a large room filled with stairs and paintings. "We'll be going this way, This is the most direct way to the dorms." the student who was wearing my house colors said. "Oh and keep an eye on the stair cases, they like to change." He said as he turned around to keep walking to our dormitories. I looked up to see some the stairs shifting positions. "This place is a maze." I said out loud, knowing that I was bound to get lost. I kept looking around while following the students in my house. I noticed the paintings were moving and talking. Were the paintings charmed or had they been actual people who were locked away in these paintings?

We finally walked up to a painting who asked, "Password?"

The student that we had been following started knocking on the barrel that was two from the bottom, middle of the second row to a specific rhythm. After a moment the painting swung open to reveal a passage. (From what I could find online the way to get to the hufflepuff common room was to knock on a barrel to the rhythm of Helga Hufflepuff. I'm not completely sure if this is correct but if it isn't please correct me!)

We all walked into the the passage that lead to a common room that has small windows lining the the top of the walls and a fireplace off to one side, a couch and 2 seats circling a coffee table in the center. There were a few books lying around the room, seemingly left here by the students at the end of last year. "Welcome to the Hufflepuff common room. The boys dormitories are upstairs and down to the left, and girls the same on the right. All your belonging have already been brought up. On you go." Said the student we followed here. The group broke up between girls and boys and we walked towards to our respective dormitories.

I walked up a few stairs and down through a small corridor and into the circular room with just enough beds for all of us. There was a small reading nook with 2 chairs and a table that was facing out a window. I looked out and saw the large lake that we had crossed after we got off the train. It was quite the view. I continued to look around the room looking for my things to see which bed was mine. It was pretty easy as the rest of the girls had already found their luggage and beds. Each bed had a leather trunk next to it to put our things.There were 2 doors that lead to 2 separate bathrooms for us to wash up and change.

We all introduced ourselves to each other and tried to make a schedule for the bathrooms which can't be set in stone until we get our class schedule. After a while we all got changed into our pajamas and climbed into bed, some trying to go to sleep others reading. I was nervous to go to sleep in a room full of girls I've never met before but excited to get to learn more about this new world that i never knew about. Time for the hard part, going to sleep. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2023 ⏰

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