another week later LOL

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A/N: hey guys. so first off i wanna say sorry cause i haven't updated in a couple weeks. i've just been busy with school and sports and everything. when i get home i wanna relax and on the weekends i'm often pretty tired. if i'm not tired i'm writing one of my other fanfics. that's another thing. i often write new fanfics and then delete them as i have no ideas on what i should do for the chapters. i thought about doing that to this story but then decided i can't give up every time i don't have the perfect idea. besides this has what 20 or 21 chapters? that's to much to give up on. so i plan on making at least two chapters of this during the weekend. 
right now it's valentines day so...HAPPY VALENTINES DAY! i got a card with the 1D boy's voices on it saying happy val and it was so awesome. it felt like they were really talking to me! and harry sent a special message to fans saying happy v-day. fangirling right now. so i guess you can call this chapter a valentines treat but it won't be much. in the next chapter hopefully it'll be interesting. oh and i kinda remember about two or three chapters ago i said either ivy or Olivia would be leaving tour? well i'm not sure which one i said so i'll have to read my own book i guess. but they won't be leaving so forget i said that.
one last thing before this very long authors note is done. i just recently started adding side slide shows for the girls' clothes you know like 5 chapters ago i started. but yesterday i was on photo bucket getting some pictures for my other story prepared and i clicked edit so i could write a name for the picture in colors. it took me to the new photo bucket which by the way i hate right now,and now i don't know how to create a slide show. so until they get that crap figured out,which they better cause i need my slide shows,you'll have to do without knowing what they are wearing. sorry. okay so enjoy and I HOPE YOU READ THIS CAUSE IT WAS IMPORTANT. VERY IMPORTANT! caps usually attracts attention so...yeah.


~grimmy's p.o.v~

 well right now we're back on tour. i'm happy to be back with harry and lexie is more then happy to be back with Niall,even though they aren't exactly the same. ivy took the week to think over what would be going on with her and zayn. she decided that he needed to earn her trust and love. bad idea. i mean it was smart but now all he ever does is buy her crap and treat her like a princess. of coarse this is also a pretty good thing but she's getting frustrated cause every 5 minutes he's doing something for her. he fluffed her pillow,made her breakfast and bed,and offered to bath her! now i'm not sure if he was just being cheeky or if he genuinly wanted to help her bath. as if she can't do it herself!

she said she felt like she had a disease or something and she's about to die so he's trying to make her time worth it. not only is it a bad thing for her,but also for us. Louis bought Eleanor so much on the first two days that management called and told him to hold off on spending,the other boys are also buying their girls things that we honestly don't need.except Liam. him and Olivia are "Friends" but Danielle gets in the way of that too. obviously Olivia is still heartbroken and i seriously doubt she "loves" Nat.

other then that things have cooled off. with perrie gone,Danielle has no body to support her other then Liam who honestly doesn't approve of her being a first class bitch. if it were up to me her ass would be beaten and then she'd be thrown out the bus window,as it was moving!

right now me and harry are on the bathroom floor talking. why do we always sit in here to talk? no idea. just seems more private i guess. well it is until that awkward moment when somebody has to take a piss.

"so. remember the last time we talked in here?" harry asked. i thought for a moment before nodding. "We talked about my future and how i didn't need to worry about it so soon" i shrugged. "so hows that going for you? are you all good on the topic?" he asked. i shook my head. "i still think about what i'll be doing after my modeling contract is over. i can only be a model for so long and the contract is almost over. along with the other girls. i have about 6 more months. i could easily sign another contract to keep me in the modeling buisness for a while longer but i don't know if i should. if i wanted to quit i wouldn't be able to" i sighed and continued. "my mum...well she really wants me to sign another contract for another 7 years. but that's just too much. i don't wanna model for 7 more years" i said. 

"so you've been a model since you were 11?" he asked. i nodded. "i used to model book bag,hats, shoes,stuff like that. i also did commercials" i said. he smiled. "so you've always been in the limelight?" i nodded. "it wasn't easy. i just wanted to be a normal kid but i didn't have that. now i'm 18 years old and i still act like a child. it's cause i didn't have my childhood....well also because i like to make people laugh and smile and because it's just my personality" i said.

"so you basically don't wanna model until your 25?" he asked. i sighed nodding. "there's shorted contracts but i don't even wanna sign those! and the 7 year contract is kinda ridiculous....if i model til i'm 25 i'll have to keep my undivided attention on just modeling. i'll be in my mid twenties,nearly 30 and i won't have a husband or a kid or anything. i don't want that at all" i said. he nodded.

"i get it. we signed a contract so we'll be staying a band til 2016. we had no problem signing it because we love each other. we're basically brothers and it's just a way for us to stay stronger and closer. so if we try something stupid like quitting we can't. but your all alone and you as you said wouldn't be able to focus on a kid or something" he said. "harry what do i do?" i sighed laying my head on his chest.

"i can't tell you that. i don't wanna tell you to sign a contract that you don't want to because you think i want you to. i don't want you to regret it later. i also don't wanna tell you not to because it's not my choice to make. when the time comes for you to sign something you'll just know. i can't help you. your the only person that can help you." he said. "i thought zayn was deep" i mumbled. he chuckled a little and i felt him shrug. 


"babe wake up/ we're about to ear some tacos" harry's voice whispered. "when did i fall asleep?" i mumbled sitting up and rubbing my eyes. "well you were laying on my chest in the bathroom and i was singing to you cause i knew you were sleepy and that's when you fell asleep" he said. i smiled nodding. "how'd i get in my pajamas?" i ask. "you looked uncomfortable in your clothes so i changed you. i didn't look or anything though" he said. i nodded. "thanks" i smiled.

we walked out and sat in the living room where everybody else was. they were watching paranormal activity and i rolled my eyes. it's not scary AT ALL. i'd much rather watch the woman in black is it called? i don't keep up with these movies.

we sat down and we all ate and talked like civil people. when we got done and the movie was over we all went our seperate ways. me and harry just stayed on the couch and snuggled until we both fell asleep.

the model life (harry styles/one direction fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now