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A/N:i feel as though there isn't enough Niall in this story,which is weird cause he's my absolute favorite of the band. even though i love them all very much. so for this chapter it's gonna be for Niall and grimmy. and also. I'm really effing mad! the new photo bucket is total shit! you can't make slide shows on it and it won't allow you to go back to the old photo bucket so you can. i like putting my clothes to the side and i have to have a sideshow to do that because there is 6 girls dammit! so i'm just boiling in anger. i wish i could get the old photo bucket back so bad! i hate the new one. that is all.

~grimmy's p.o.v~

"aye wake up grim" an Irish voice said. must be nialler. "what?" i grumble. we went to bed at 3am last night because Danielle was screaming the whole night long at Liam,because of the fact that he had been hanging out with Lexie and Olivia instead of her. we've been working on our "plan" to get rid of her, if it does. we've been the Liam hogs.

"everybody's out and i'm about to go meet a friend. you coming? i didn't want to leave you alone here, not knowing where any of us were." Niall said. i smiled slightly at his sweetness. "sure...are we going somewhere nice or can ii just wear some sweats or something?" i ask. "just wear some sweats. that's what i'm doing" he shrugged walking out. 

i nodded to myself before picking out some cute sweats,putting them on,and walking to the front of the bus where niall was waiting with a water bottle. i smiled. "ready?" i ask. he nods opening the door and letting me go first.  


"hey Justin" i smiled hugging him. "hey! i missed you! so glad to see you again" he smiled. i nodded. "aye where's Niall?" he asked. "he's still parking the car and then he said he's gotta go to the bathroom" i smiled. he nodded. "Well i gotta rehearse but you and him can fool around for a while." he said."okie dokie" i smiled sitting on a chair in front of the stage.

lexie-hey guess what!


Lexie-we're gonna be meeting Megan fox sometime next week!

grimmy-yay! i love her she's gorgeous!

Lexie-ikr! and guess what else


Lexie-our managers just called and said they've got a lot planned for us this year. we're gonna guest star on shake it up,Austin and alley,Wendell and Vinnie,and Marvin Marvin. we're also all nominated for the top 10 sexiest girls of 2013!

grimmy-oh my god! this is so awesome.

lexie-yeah so check out the other nominies!

grimmy-alright bye.

after i finished texting Lexie i got on google. thank god my cell phone has Internet connection! i looked up on the stage. Justin was singing beauty and a beat. we've been friends since sometime in 2010 and all but i'm seriously wanting to fangirl right now.i smiled to myself before typing in 'top 10 sexiest girls of 2013' when i did it took me to a website which showed me all the results,the voting and all.

-victoria justice

-Liz gillies

-Ariana grande

-Nicole scherzinger

-ivy newton

-Jennifer anniston

-olivia greene

-Lexie blue

-grimmy Stanford

-megan fox 

(A/N:I'm not sure if i ever put their last names but just pretend that's their last names!)those were the results. i'm so happy to even be nominated,but to be in second place! that's freaking awesome. i decided i'd text Lexie back.

grimmy-this is awesome! congrats

Lexie-congrats to you too! we'll also be doing a lot of "sexy" work.

grimmy-what do you mean sexy work?

Lexie-we have to do a naked photo shoot soon. of coarse we'll be in positions that nobody will be able to see anything. we have another performance soon so that's supposed to be sexy,and we have another photo shoot except this one will be for cars of 2013. and we've got a whole bunch more!

grimmy-iight. well i gotta go.


"hey who ya texting?" Niall smiled sitting next to me. now Justin was singing as long as you love me. "Lexie. we got a lot of work to do soon and we're all nominated for sexiest women of 2013. and i'm number two!" i smiled. "that's so awesome! congrats" he said hugging me. 


"we're JNG ya know" Justin said. i was sitting in the drummer's seat. him and Niall were just sitting on the floor. we're all on the stage goofing off cause Justin's rehearsals ended a few minutes ago. "JNG?" Niall asks. "Justin Niall grimmy" Justin explained. i nodded.

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