Tea Time

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Madara demanded blood. Specifically, a certain idiotic Hokage's blood.

"What do you use for your hair? It's so soft. Hey, hey, tell me!"

He's going to prepare a grave for him as soon as he's done with this situation. Maybe he'd ask his brother to help him with that. In. Three to four business days.


Snapped out of his thoughts by the child's continued rambling, Madara winced. Just how the hell had he been convinced into taking care of her?

(His brain supplied him with an answer. He hadn't been.)
A bad feeling assaulted Madara the moment he'd taken a step inside the Hokage tower. He narrowed his eyes and stilled for a moment, instinctively scanning his surroundings.

The Senju's albino menace that had caused him to faint wasn't here as far as he knew, not till the evening at least. He had an inspection to do today and it'd take all morning, which is precisely why he decided to drag his ass out of his comfy bed to deliver the paperwork that he needed to personally.

(He didn't really know what the hell happened after he'd fainted come to think of it, only remembering that he'd woken up back in his home.

Izuna, who'd gotten back from his long term mission, had prodded mercilessly with his questions about how Madara had fainted. Madara never answered the questions. He'd take what happened there to the grave with him.)

Seeing no white hair in sight, he cautiously made his way to Hashirama's office. It was there that he'd faced what had caused the bad feeling.

He only had a second to comprehend the fact that Hashirama had a kid in his office, likely the grandchild he kept bragging about, before a beaming whirlwind passed.


It took a few seconds for his brain to comprehend what he'd said, blinking in confusion, before his eyes widened. By the time he turned around to try and drag back the bastard he'd already escaped well out of his sight.

He bit back a stream of curses.

Hashirama expected him to take care of a kid!? They ran away at the sight of him! This was ridiculous and stupid and-oh shit, the kid was staring at him. Should he sass her? Or be kinder? She was a kid, but Madara hated everyone equally, but Mito would skin him alive if he made her cry. And Hashirama would be all too happy to help.

...Eh, he still considered if it was worth it.

"Uchiha Madawa?"

He twitched at the stumble, biting back a snort. He decided he'd give a moderate amount of sass. If Mito got mad at him he's blaming Hashirama for leaving her with him.

"One and only. And you are?"

He quirked an eyebrow, staring expectantly at her. Surprisingly, the kid didn't cower at that and just stared back confidently into his eyes.

He changed his mind, he already liked her more than half of Konoha's population.

"Senju Tsunade. You're taking care of me till Grandpa or uncle is back?"

Madara's face darkened slightly at that, but he schooled it back into neutrality as he dropped the paperwork on Hashirama's desk.


He whirled around to face her, humming for a bit now. He was a tad stumped on how to entertain a kid. Kagami had enjoyed his care for the one time he took care of him, despite the fact that he kept calling him Mr. Grumpy, but his parents did not approve of his care.

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