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Tobirama didn't really remember much of what happened yesterday. He was very sure that he'd fallen asleep at the training field, and Kagami had assured him that he had.

(He remembered a nice dream, fantasies of calloused hands threading through his hair, a soft voice that was so uncharacteristic of its real life version.)

Unfortunately, he'd been brought back to reality the moment he'd seen his paperwork. A narrowed gaze told him he'd need half an hour for the rest of yesterday's paperwork, an additional five hours for today, and by the time he needed to go back he should be well into tomorrow's portion.

He sat down with that assessment, raising a quill and getting right to it. He could pull aside tomorrow's time for that project of his with the new seals he'd encountered in that temple in wind... And someone was at his door.

He raised his head, raising a questioning eyebrow at the Uchiha head.


(Madara, he wanted to say.)


His brain short-circuited. He watched the Uchiha like he was one of his experiments that was on the verge of explosion when he last saw them to be stable.

Had he eaten something wrong?

Unknowing of doing a thing many considered impossible with a single word out of his mouth, Uchiha Madara continued to speak and approach him. He looked, dare he say, nervous.

"Tomorrow, six sharp, I'll pick you up. Try to dress up a bit."

Tobirama furrowed his eyebrows minutely. Dress up for what? Battle? He knew Madara hadn't gotten a fight with his brother recently, but this was ridiculous.

Though he wasn't giving up the chance to see him flushed and sweaty. He did love the smile he got in the middle of battle.

(It was a terrifying thing to others, one of all teeth, but Tobirama just adored it.)

He stopped on the side of Tobirama's chair, arms crossed, and Tobirama was so tempted to grab his waist and snatch him away for the day, but he refrained. Madara quickly leaned down, Tobirama tensing up in confusion, only to freeze at a kiss to his forehead.

"Don't forget."

Taking the opportunity to run away after Tobirama realized that he was inviting him out for a date, not a fight, Madara ran away. Tobirama can't have that.

He quickly got up, catching up to him before he actually started running instead of speedwalking away, Tobirama quickly whirled him around and kissed him. Right in the hallway outside of his office.

"Idiot. If you're going to kiss me, do it right."

Having said that, Tobirama left the very flustered Madara to be dealt with with a shocked Hashirama. He's sure they'll enjoy the fight.

Meanwhile, he had some paperwork to deal with if he wanted to prepare for tomorrow's date.

(He wondered who's marriage would be the first Senju-Uchiha marriage, his or Touka? He was willing to bet hers. Madara's brother seemed very eager on the concept, and Touka would be easy to convince once she got a bit of teasing in.

Tobirama would enjoy slowly breaking down Madara's defenses meanwhile.)

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