Set up

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Tsunade had a mission.

It'd been a month now since she'd met her favorite tea time partner after her grandpa had dumped her on him and they'd met at least a week since to share all the gossip they gained within that time. Madara always had the best gossip! He even had some rumors from the wind Daimyo's court and things he'd personally witnessed.

Not that he was allowed back in there after he'd burned one of the rarest plant specimens that the wind Daimyo had managed to get his hands on.

(Tsuna knew because he said so himself. He seemed to burn an awful lot of things.)

Once she'd learned who his crush was, she was conflicted, because this was her favorite uncle they were talking about! He was cool, unlike her grandpa. But... she supposed Madara was a tiny bit cool too.

And he had the fluffiest hair! So long as he continued to let Tsunade braid it, she was willing to accept him as a potential uncle in law. Which brought her to her current situation with her uncles student. The Uchiha one.

"So. Did you indetify uncle Tobi's crush?"

Kagami delicately sipped his tea, smirking at her.

"Of course, who do you think I am! Though..." His face turned a bit pinched. "It wasn't exactly someone I'd expect." He shrugged here, his face relaxing. "I suppose he's acceptable enough."

"Well? Who is it?"

Tsuna could already half guess who it is, but she needed information before she could fully launch her mission.

"Madara. Uchiha Madara."

It was Tsuna's turn to smirk. Jackpot.

"Thought so. You know, I found a fascinating kitty last week. It's so fluffy and has black fur! I think it has a crush on the pretty white one that lives across the street."

Tsunade wasn't exactly supposed to talk about Madara's crush, but she wasn't talking about it-she was talking about a cat's crush!

Kagami understood what she meant quickly judging by the gleam in his eyes.

"You have a plan?"

Tsunade beamed at him, holding back her smirk.

"Of course, who do you think I am!"

(It wasn't exactly revenge as she had nothing to avenge, but the way Kagami's face twisted as she used his words against him was entertaining.)
Madara glared at his paperwork, willing it to combust into flames. Even if he did hold his Chakra in check to make sure it didn't do so.

He huffed, giving up for now as he slammed his head on the desk and pouted. He hadn't been able to get a good fight in two months now! All because he kept trying to avoid Hashirama's stupidly hot brother. He was going to get rusty.

... Maybe he should storm into Hashirama's office and demand a fight, he's sure Hashirama would take the opportunity to avoid his paperwork-


Madara's nose twitched at that sage damned nickname, before he registered who's voice it was. He immediately shot up in confusion to watch his office door slam open and the one and only tiny Senju princess run into his office. With two Uchiha clan members behind her.

"We are awfully sorry Madara-Sama, we tried to tell her to wait till we told you she was here, but she distracted us-"

He held up a hand here.

An internal part of him scoffed. Two grown up shinobi, bested by a child? He'd have to up their training. No one under his command was allowed to be that weak.

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