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Arc 1

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Arc 1

Sometimes people make stupid decisions.

Some of them are not as bad as others and are easily solved, while others were, well, more complicated and it's harder to get a way out of the mess that people brought themself into.

As for you — you just made one of these absolutely terrible decision, one where you started questioning all your life choices or more specific, the choice you made not all too long ago when you had a bad day and said just for fun something in the lines of 'wanting to be in another world because it's all easier there'.

And it seemed as if the Gods had heard you say those words and scoffed at the statement, before sending you to one of those, as you said, easy and unproblematic lives in another world. Just to show how wrong you were.

And by the name of God — you were wrong.

That was at least your first thought after suddenly waking up covered in the sand that you were apparently laying on and that was definitely not your comfortable and warm bed that you laid in like a second ago.

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