𝟎𝟎𝟐 || Call me Katniss Everdeen

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Just a small reminder that there will be spoilers here

Just a small reminder that there will be spoilers here

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„Soo, summarized

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„Soo, summarized..."

„Summarized, I'm from another dimension" you said after rambling about your previous life for about half an hour with just a small difference between what really happened and what did not. You figured that you could tell about that whole 'another dimension' stuff since the traveler in Genshin was no different, so it would probably not even be that much surprising to tell someone about that in a world like that.

But you did not tell him that you knew about this place at all, not that this was actually just a game and not that they all were practically not alive in your world.

Gorou seemed to be in thoughts after you told him that — it surely was hard to take in the loads of information that hit him like a wrecking ball just now but it still made you nervous how long it took for him to finally look up at you again.

"How was the... country called that you come from again?" He asked, finally turning his head in your direction again, what made you kind of relieved.
"I'm from Germany" you told him, smiling a bit as he nodded his head.

"Well" he laughed "I believe you"

Ok honestly, it was still a bit surprise to hear that, but it was way better than him saying something like 'you're a liar, I will execute you on spot' or something in the lines of that. "You know, I don't believe that you are here to infiltrate because of what happened in the battle, and I don't have another reason to doubt your story, but I will still have an eye on you. So if you proof me wrong, I will not hesitate to eliminate you"


"That's just fair" you said, determined to not accidentally become an alley of the abyss order or something. "And thank you for believing me, it's not something all too ordinary after all..." you slightly smiled, rubbing the back of your head as Gorou returned the gesture of the kind smile and stood up.

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