Vigorous Spring

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⚠️TW: Alcoholism, parental neglect, generational trauma, depression, suicidal ideation

My version of Thranduil is a combo of his book and movie self, a genuinely kind person who wants to do right by his people and is loyal to his friends, but also someone who is paranoid as all hell and despises strangers as per the book. As per both versions, he hates dwarves because of some LOTR history that I won't spoil. He's kind of racist, or he was until he underwent some character development/his son Legolas shacked up with the son of one of the dwarves he despises the most. He can also come off as an arrogant asshole when he's mad as per the movie and he genuinely gets smug if you compliment him once you're in a committed relationship, if not, he acts like a tsundere.

He's also not the best parent because he struggles with chronic grief, depression, and alcoholism. This is because he lost his home, his father, his wife, everything, and since he's the king of Mirkwood, he didn't have time to properly mourn and grieve because he's the king, his people came first, so he suffered in silence all alone, and tried to make sure what happened to him never happened to any of his subjects, ever again. Unfortunately, one of the burdens of being a royal is that you don't always get to have time to properly grieve/address your trauma. I'll do a chapter on the pros and cons of being royalty in the future, at least the way I see it.

Alcohol became Thranduil's main way of coping. Deadpool mourning for Vanessa is basically Thranduil mourning for his wife. He's not trying to be a bad parent though. He's just really struggling and can't care for himself, so how can he care for his son, let alone a kingdom?

Also, their relationship is more neutral than bad or good, unlike in the books or the movies. I think this Tumblr post I made explains it better. See the external link on this chapter and the link in the comments for more.

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