Previews: Part 1

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This is a page where I'll post some previews of Fathoms Below. I'll fully introduce you to the cast later.

"You don't like them very much, do you?" The pointed ears of a petite young man perked up at the question of a taller, older woman's question. The man had straight ebony hair streaked with crimson stripes and the young woman had coiled, crimped hair that was a much darker, richer shade of onyx. He had piercing acorn brown eyes while she had warm chestnut brown eyes, and her ears were pointed like his. He was alabaster with a rosy sheen while she was copper-tinged with the flush of amber. This was Calemir Nirphen Orn and Lilia Vanrouge.

Calemir is the crown princess of Greenwood The Great and a noblewoman from the fallen Kingdom of Doriath, she was a beautiful African elven woman of Berber and Russian descent. Lilia is the ex-general from Briar Valley of Twisted Wonderland, another dimension created during the first age when Calemir's younger brother Thranduil was still a teenager and Lilia was a stunning Chinese-French bat fae. "Humans, that is." Calemir finished her sentence and smiled a bit sadly, her pointed ears twitching a bit as her rounded nose reddened from the coolness in the air as they watched the sunset together by the pond. Calemir was draped in loose, flowing green robes and decked out in simple yet opulent jewelry, her posture laidback and casual in contrast to Lilia, who was wearing his armor and his posture was upright and a bit awkward despite trying to relax.  

Lilia's eyes met Calemir's as she took his hands in hers, the breeze sweeping past them. He shrugged in response to her question. "There was a time I thought, but my opinions changed due to spending time around Levan. I told you about him, right?" Lilia asked. "Yes, he's the raven fae that's the son of Mulan, the legendary female warrior from the far East and a fellow raven fae soldier who was her lieutenant before he was Mulan's husband," Calemir recalled fondly.  "That's right. I couldn't very well hate humans because Levan is half-human. I don't even hate people. It's just...people are strange, and I don't trust most of them as far as I can throw them, and I can throw things very far. We both know this. I've also spent a lot of time around you, so your influence affected me as well. Being around you caused me to develop a soft spot for not just humans, but all living beings." Lilia paused. 

"As for what and who I hate? I hate Stefan's father Richard for what he did to Maleficent, his bigotry against the faeries, and for the war he's waged that took millions of lives on both sides because of said prejudices, and how he mercilessly slaughters my people and thinks of us as monsters. I hate Henrique Istovan for having those same prejudices and viewpoints, for allying with Richard because they think alike, for how he treated his foster son and younger sister and forced them into doing his bidding, and for how he wanted Meleanor's egg just so he can have the unborn prince for a mount. I don't hate all the humans that follow them both as not all of them are in agreement with them, many were forced into it and some just don't realize what's going on and follow their kings blindly, something every person, human or otherwise, is guilty of, but I hate the humans that are in agreement with them and share the same sentiments, knowingly massacring the fae without remorse due to their negative sentiments against them. Yet I also hate The Senate of Briar Valley for how they abused me, for how they unfairly jumped at the chance to use any excuse they could to have me exiled and used Meleanor's death as their excuse to banish me, thereby disrespecting her memory, for their blatant prejudices and how they treat those they are bigoted against, their allies, and even those they favor and worship just as horribly as they treat me, and all the members of Briar Valley's senate are fae. I hate Thingol for his prejudices against humans, dwarves, and even other elves and how he acted similarly to The Senate. I hate the Feänorians for the horrific war crimes they've committed and for their prejudices. Yet out of all the people I've met, I trust...five, and you're one of them. I like you." Lilia nestled closer to Calemir as he said this. 

'I like you more than I thought I ever would, and it frightens me more than anything. Oh, how Maleficent would laugh at me if she heard about this. The ruthless ex-general Lilia who can kill you with a mere glance taken down by the smile of the most beautiful elf maiden in all the land.' 

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⏰ Last updated: May 30 ⏰

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