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"You should eat

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"You should eat." Enzo pressed, his voice filled with nothing but worry.

Lord help him or no one will because if he tells me that one more time I'm going to combust.

"Lorenzo. Keanu. Alveraz." I say his name slowly, sounding out every single syllable carefully. I squeeze my eyes shut and take a deep breath in.

"Hm?" When I open my eyes he's staring at me, his eyebrows furrowed. "your hungry now aren't you? I knew it!" he sounds excited.

I glare at him and he immediately presses his lips closed. Now I feel bad.

But he doesn't look like his feelings were hurt one bit. He actually looks very content.

"Remember when I first told you?" I say into the morning air. The sun shines bright through the windows as we lay in our bed.

"Ima need you to elaborate on that, baby. " Enzo looks down at me since I'm laying in between his legs and against his stomach.

I look up at him, a smile touching my lips. "You were like 'how?' And I was like 'well when a women and a man love eachother very much-"

He chuckles and now I'm grinning. "I didn't need you to elaborate then. I think I knew more then anyone where this comes from." His finger taps against my swollen belly, then slowly, he circles his thumb over it.

I'm surprised at how big I've gotten. My belly is round and big even though there's only one baby in there. Dang.

Then I feel something inside my stomach. A sort of pressure. I gasp and look up at Enzo, my mouth forming an 'O.' He's staring at me with the same expression.

"You felt that, didn't you?" My eyebrows are raised and my eyes wide.

His eyes are shining brightly. I don't remember a moment where they weren't. "Oh yeah. No matter how many times I feel our baby kick, it never ceases to amaze me."

We both look down at my belly, his thumb running gently over it.

After a moment, I lean my head back to look up at him. I bite my lip. "I'm hungry now." I say quietly.

He's giving me the 'I told you so' look now. Then he says "I told you so."

I roll my eyes and purse my lips. "Shush. Gimme food."

He grins, moving from behind me and standing up. "Yes ma'am!" He salutes me and I laugh, watching as he makes his way across the room and out the door.

I look back down at my tummy and place my hand on it. I gasp when I feel another little kick. Then there's a smile taking over my face.

Then I realize something.

"Oh my gosh." I cover my hand with my mouth. "sweet baby Jesus there is a baby growing inside of me." my voice is quiet and slightly scared.

Of course, I have these thoughts ever since I found out I was pregnant 9 months and 4 days ago. This is a scary time, I tell you the truth.

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