Annual Celebration

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Today (outfit 17) was our first day of class. We were in Prof. Wizgiz's class, without confusing anyone and to put things simply, it was a class on changing how you look class, or for my Harry Potter fans, when Hermione turned into a cat and boys were part of Draco's gang, or for my Twilight fans, Jacob and the guys transforming, esc, esc. Anyways, after showing us an example, by turning into Ms. Griselda, and back again, and when he finished, he used magic to hand us out all mirrors.

We were supposed to be able to change our hair color. I looked to my sister, and imagined her hair color, and closed my eyes to envision changing my blue hair color bright red. Where she couldn't do it at all, and Stella didn't even try, because she liked her hair the way it was, I internally rolled my eyes, my goal had been changing my hair bright red like Bloom's but instead... This (hairstyle) (it's red and blue)Hm, very good Farrah, but what exactly were you going for? He asked me. I was trying to change my blue hair to my sister's red hair. Well, it's a very interesting style, and it looks good on you, you can keep it that way, but for the sake of the assignment try again and keep working on it. But, why wasn't the assignment to change my hair color, I did that? Well, I mean yes, but, oh.... Good job then.... Oh he said hoping away.

I frowned in confusion. When class was over, and everyone left.... Farrah are you coming? I'll be right there. Excuse me Prof? Yes? I'm confused? What did I do wrong? It's not about what you did wrong, you DID change your hair color, but I wanted you to change all of your hair, you were only able to change half of it. But you did a very good job, and it was your first try. And you did a very good job on it.

Well, then thank you I guess. I'll try it again when I get back to my dorm. Later, when I did get back to my dorm, Stella, Bloom and I were trying it again. I think I got it this time. Where Bloom failed again and this time her hair was sticking straight up, and Stella laughed at her, I told her it was ok and told her to watch me.

But, your hair is so cool, I like it looking like us both. Yeah, but for the sake of the assignment and helping you.... Watch. Let me see that. Remember to envision what is you want your hair to do. Watch. This time I was able to change my mixed hair color to Bloom's bright red. Look, you did it. So I did. I did it again and changed it back. Your turn. She tried again, but then Stella scolded her for not focusing good enough.

After our friends get involved, Bloom begins to ask our friends why they're here, and after giving their reasons, they ask us. That's just the thing.... Bloom says shaking her head, IDK what I'm doing here. Farrah? Isn't it obvious? This is our destiny, it was fate we met Stella, it was fate we came to Alfea and were able to pass through the barrier. We have magic it powers, don't question it just love it!

In the morning (outfit 1) we got up. Bloom wake up! I called to her. The alarm didn't go off! We're late for breakfast! Oh no, we gotta go. We rushed around to get down there, it was Bloom, myself and Flora. We'd all over slept which was exactly what we told the rest of our friends when we showed up late. As we ran in, Griselda looked down at us as if we'd done something wrong.

But once we all got settled down, Ms. Faragonda told us about the annual dance we were gonna throw, that the specialists would be coming to the party, and that we were hosting at the school, and that even though today would've been only the second day of classes we were already getting the day off to go prepare for tonight. Leave it to Stella to be prepared to take us shopping.

But unfortunately, over at cloud tower the witches were unhappy to hear that they weren't getting invited to this celebration, which in my opinion not getting invited to events like these and not including everyone is probably why they're so evil, they don't get invited anywhere. So, Icy, Darcy, and Stormy decided based on Icy's brilliant plans that they thought we should mess with us, and as their assignment from Ms. Griffin to think of ways to ruin our celebration.

And while everyone else was planning what they were gonna wear, Bloom and I had nothing. And so Stella and the rest of the girls took us to go try on dresses. There were all of Bloom's dresses that she tried on, and then there some dresses that I tried on. Such as 1 (outfit 11) ((which of course Stella liked it was the theme of the sun and the moon, which was the fairy she was) There was 2 (outfit 20) (which was tech savvy which was the one Tecna liked) There was 3 (outfit 12)  (Which was more Musa's style and I would've worn that dress just fine, but I wanted my own style and it would've looked better on her anyways) and then there was 4 (outfit 19)(Which I hated everything about, except I would've liked it on Flora)

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