Fuzzy Logic

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Narrator: The city of Townsville!

A fireman was rescuing a car from the tree and a boy scout helped an old lady across the street.

Narrator: A community where random acts of kindness are an everyday occurrence.

At the park two men were walking through the park with their daughter.

Narrator: And where warm, fuzzy smiles grace the faces of everyone you meet. Except for some people.

In the countryside a small cabin was located with lots of 'Go Away' signs with a barbed wire fence around.

Narrator: Some people who've decided to be far, far away. Some people who don't like visitors.

A pink, fat, fuzzy, monster was on the porch sitting in a rocking chair, shotgun in hand with an ornery look on. This was Fuzzy Lumkins

Narrator: Some people like…

Fuzzy: Hey, you!

He then points his shotgun at the Narrator.

Fuzzy: Get off my property!

The narrator screamed and ran away as Fuzzy tried to shoot at him before he got some distance from him.

Narrator: some people like… Fuzzy Lumkins!

Fuzzy: Dern trespasses. I'll get anyone or anything that gets on my property!

A leaf floats down as he eyes it and I finally settle on the porch.

Fuzzy: Get offa my property! Nowa!

He fires a hole in his porch and obliterates the leaf. A butterfly then flies into his field of vision before aiming at it.

Fuzzy: Hey! Get offa my property right now!

He fires at it, putting a hole in the wall and the butterfly is nowhere to be seen. Fuzzy then jumps out his chair.

Fuzzy: Consarn it! Anyone else wanna try and get on my property?!

The woods were completely empty with the animals missing.

Fuzzy: Good. Hm, reckon it will be time for some old-fashioned relaxation. Yep, yep, yep. Aw now let's see.

He then starts looking around for something and finds a straw hat before putting it on.

Fuzzy: Good ol hat. Check.

He then grabs a pipe.

Fuzzy: Trusty pipe. Check.

He then grabs a hug of water.

Fuzzy: Jug'o water, check.

He then grabs his shotgun

Fuzzy: Boomstick. Ch-e-eck!

He then went to a corner seeing it empty.

Fuzzy: Jo. Ch- Jo? Where are you at Jo?! Where is you?! Jo! Joey?! J-oh…

He laughs as he finds his banjo in another corner.

He grabs it, strums it and puts it by his chair before relaxing in his chair. It rocks a little and he starts to fall asleep. A squirtle appears at the edge of his stump footstool. He instantly takes out his shotgun and points it at the squirrel.

Fuzzy: Get offa my property!

He fires at the squirrel blowing a chunk off the stump but misses the squirrel. He fires at it again and the squirrel appears on his head.

Fuzzy: Get offa me you ugly varmint!

He fires at the squirrel but it jumps off and his face is charred.

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