Tough Love

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Narrator: The City of Townsville! The city of brotherly love and sisterly love. Love for those devout doers of dangerous deeds and dutifuluh, things.

The Powerpuff Girls and Boy flew above the building, out on patrol around the city block.

Narrator: Look at that, that Powerpuff Girls and Boy!

The kids flew above the park when they heard meowing from below. It seemed frantic so they quickly flew down towards the ground to see what's going on.

Down at the park, an old lady tried to reach for her pet kitty, but the tree was too tall for her to reach.

The kids came out from the sky, Buttercup and Bolt both whipped the tree out the ground. Blossom hastily moved the lady out of the way so she wouldn't get hit by the two holding the tree over Bubbles who catches the cat in her arms. The cat licked her cheek making her giggle before giving the bag to its owner.

Old Lady: Thank you, kids. Here's some lollipops for the four young heroes.

She gave them some lollipops out of their respective colors. Kindly thanking her and taking their respective lollipops.

Blossom: No problem, ma'am. Just doing our duty.

The lady gave all the kids head pats and they all flew away, the lady giving them a kind wave of good-bye.

(Timeskip brought you by the author wanting to make funny timeskips)

They arrived on time to kindergarten where kids were seated at their desk. Ms. Keane walked around the class teaching the kids about math.

Ms. Keane: Now kids, what is the answer to five plus six?

Some kids raised their hands. Ms. Keane looked around to raised hands until picking one in the crowd.

Ms. Keane: Bolt. Do you have the answer?

Bolt counted a few times on fingers thinking he had the answer.

Bolt: Nine, ten… eleven. It's eleven, right?

Ms. Keane claps her hand for Bolt, congrating him for the right answer.

Ms. Keane: Good job, Bolt! Correct!

Bolt pumped his fist, giving Buttercup a fist bump.

Ms. Keane kept walking through the class, but didn't notice a roller skate in front of her. She flipped into the air and almost would've hit the ground if Blossom didn't catch her in time.

Blossom sat her down in a chair which Buttercup put under her. Bubbles sealed it off with a shiny apple with a best teacher mug from Bolt.

They sat back down at their table, halos appearing over their heads. Everyone cheered for them as they gave adoring smiles.

The hotline then buzzed through the room. The kids quickly left out of the door and crossed through the mayor office window. He was seen struggling trying to open a pickle jar lid that was sealed shut.

He sighed giving it to Blossom who held it for Bolt to easily pop open the lid. The mayor cheered in delight, giving the kids and Ms. Bellum a few of his delicious pickles.

They broke through another window, arriving home to Professor Utonium who was doing a science experiment in his lab. The kids offered to help, Bubbles and Blossom pouring in some mixtures, Bolt heating it up to the desired temperature with his laser eyes, and Buttercup shaking it up until it made a yellow color.

She gave it to the professor when it started to bubble up. They all looked closely at the cucation they all made.


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