Chapter 5: Caiyi Town

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The cloud recess was quiet and calm when suddenly someone shouted and disturbed the birds in the trees.

"JIANG WANYIN! YOU NEVER LEARNED !! LEAVE MY CLASS !! RIGHT NOW !!" Lan Qiren shouted at Jiang cheng because he disturbed Lan Qiren's class.

Jiang Cheng happily ran outside the class as if it was his mission to annoy Lan Qiren while teaching the class.


Jiang cheng secretly leave the cloud recess to go to Caiyi Town (he got to Caiyi Town faster cuz he used his sword to flew there)

Once Jiang Cheng arrived at the Caiyi Town, he noticed a two person with an innkeeper gathered in one table at the teashop he went in.

They seems to be talking about something serious.

Jiang Cheng decided to sit to the nearest table to them so he could hear what they're talking about

Well if Jiang cheng ignored them his curiosity will instantly kill him.


"Hey did you hear about the Waterghost in the Biling Lake?" the man in a green robe stated.

"Yeah! I wonder what the Cultivators will do about it" The other man with a two bun replied

"They'll handle it, You know the Gusu Lans they cant just sit around and watch their surroundings slowly dying" the innkeeper added.

"Oh by the way, i heard that the second young master Lan was arranged marriage into that one jiang disciple" the man in a green robe announced

"You mean that Wei wuxian? I heard that his core is weak but hes still considered as a disciple" they all laugh after the innkeeper's insult.

"Yeah, i don't think he fits with the second young master Lan, because you know, lan er gongzi is one of the talented cultivator in gusu, that wei wuxian is nothing but a servant compared to lan er gongzi" The man with a bun added as they started to laugh more.

Jiang Cheng clenched his fist, He couldn't handle the slander their giving his Shi xiong


His head are clouded with negatives thoughts when he heard those citizens talked sh!ts about his shi xiong.

Jiang Cheng aggressively stands up from his table then glared at those citizen who just talked bad about his shi xiong, Which shocked the three.

"Ah, based on your robes you must be Young master Jiang? Apologize if i didn't notice you earlier, please tell me what would you like to have?" The innkeeper stands up as well and act like they just didn't insult his shi xiong.

"Yeah, because you're busy talking sh!t about my shi xiong?" Jiang cheng confronted then give them a cold deadly stare.

"Who's Shi xiong are you talking about Young master Jiang?" The man with a two bun said while smirking.

"Wei wuxian, A Yunmeng Jiang disciple! " Jiang Cheng answered while staring at the guy who just talked.

"Im sorry Young Master Jiang but all we said are just true statement. If its true then let's not take insult so serious" The man in a green robe glared at him while smiling at Jiang cheng.

(you really thought you ate huh?)

"You-!" Jiang cheng yelled as if wanted to pick a fight, but he remembered that he promised his shi xiong something.

Yunmeng Trio Role Swap AU [DISCONTINUED] Where stories live. Discover now