Chapter 15: Those Damn Wens...

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Wen Chao gritted his teeth in anger. He unsheathes his sword and tried to slash Jiang Cheng that was behind him.

Luckily, Jiang Cheng was fast enough to dodge his attack. Wen chao just keeps swaying his sword towards Jiang Cheng, But the latter just effortlessly avoids them.

Wen Zhuliu took this as an opportunity to attack Jiang Cheng. But before he could do that, Jiang Cheng grabbed Wen chao and flew towards the islet that was on the middle pool.

"Do not move! Or else I'll slash off your master's head!"  Jiang cheng yelled which alarmed the most.

The bloodied swords that attacking each one's,  had finally stopped. The others looked at Jiang cheng with a widend eyes.

"Jiang Wanyin! Let him go!" Wang lingjiao shouted while she tried to take one step forward near the islet. Jiang cheng frowned by the sudden movement as he shoved the sword even more nearer at Wen chao's throat.

"W-wait! D-do not move! Stay there!" Wen Chao yelled while violently shaking from fear.

It remained silent for a moment. Jiang cheng curve a small smirk on his lips before speaking. "Drop your swords, or else I won't tolerate to draw some bloods out from your young master"

Wen Zhuliu frowned. A lot of Wen soldiers obeyed Jiang cheng as they slowly puts down their swords. Though, Wen zhuliu didn't obey. He just remained silent and froze from his position while looking at Jiang cheng with a frown on his face.

After a moment of silent. The islet that they're standing on suddenly shakes. Jiang cheng tried to balance himself so that he won't fall off the pool.

"A-Jie, Shi-xiong! Earthquake?" Jiang cheng asked. Jiang Yanli roamed around her head as if trying to detect if it's really an earthquake. She shook her head to declare that it's doesn't.

"A-cheng! It's that islet you were standing on!"  Wei wuxian yelled with a deeply worried expression on him. Jiang cheng knitted his brows.

Then suddenly, something had risen above the pool. Everyone eyes widened when a beast came out of the water. The beast's head seems to resemble both snake and a xuanwu. Wen Chao gasped in shock, But before he could even make a sound, Jiang cheng covered his mouth.

The Wen soldiers armed their weapons and aimed their bow at the beast. The beast opened his eyes. It's pupils were slit and its eyes are golden red. It turns around at where Jiang cheng and Wen Chao are standing.

It tilts its head when he sense something towards them. Wei wuxian covered his own mouth while his face is utterly worried. Jiang cheng closed his eyes while Wen Chao just keeps drastically shaking in fear.

"Do not make a sound. It looks like it's eye sight is bad, but the sense of it seems to be strong enough to detect us."  Lan Wangji whispered shouted from the other. His voice is audible enough for the most to hear.

After a long silent unsued. Wen Chao becomes even more frail. He removed Jiang cheng's palm that was on his mouth before shouting from afar. "Wen Zhuliu, Save me!!"

Him shouting immediately alarmed the beast. The beast gritted its own teeth while growling loudly.

Jiang cheng pushed Wen Chao at the others. Wen Chao rolled onto the ground while he  dramatically stands up from his position. Wang Lingjiao and Wen Zhuliu immediately rushes towards Wen Chao to help him.

Everything happened in just a flash. The mouth of the beast were almost biting Jiang cheng's head. Jiang cheng's eyes widened that not even a single muscle of him managed to move. He was about to start jumping out of the pool but then suddenly a talisman was thrown at the beast.

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