Chapter 13: The Start Of The Terror

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The sunlight that stings their skin. Hunger, exhaustion and tiredness was all of the others felt. They were ordered to keep roaming around the forest to find a certain cave.

Jiang cheng could feel the sore of his toungue and throat because of the dehydration. It's been an hour. Yet, the Wens won't let them have a small rest and get something to drink nor to eat.

"This is fucking absurd, Why do they even want to find a goddamn cave at this moment.." Jiang cheng said while trying to catch his breath.

"A-cheng, I know you're pretty thirsty. Here, have some of my water. I managed to sneaked out for a water using my talisman just now" Wei wuxian offered as he gave him a groud container filled with water.

Jiang cheng eyes widened as he smiled delightfully to Wei wuxian. He reached out for the water and he immediately drink from it. But then he suddenly coughed when he choked at the water.

Wei wuxian immediately rushes besides him as he gently rubs Jiang cheng's back. "Chill down A-cheng, No one's gonna steal that from you. But spare some for Shijie, I bet she's thirsty as well"

Well speaking of the devil. Jiang Yanli was seen walking towards them. Her robes were flowing along with her as she keeps walking faster to reach at the two sibling.

"A-xian, A-cheng, We still haven't found that stupid cave. This is fcking torture" Jiang Yanli groaned while she sits at a rock beside Jiang cheng and Wei wuxian.

"Rest you asshole! Here, Have some water" Jiang cheng said as he shoved the water at Jiang Yanli while wiping his mouth with his sleeve.

"Where'd you get this?" Jiang Yanli asked. Raising one of her brow.

"Shi-xiong did. Thanks to his intelligence and he managed to get some water while we're on the journey" Jiang Cheng spoked.

Wei wuxian could only chuckled shyly at those two. He checked his sleeve secretly for a bit to make sure not even one of his talisman were missing. He made sure to bring most of the talisman he invented. 

He really wanted to show everyone all the talismans he had made. But due to being afraid of being humiliated, He had just made them secretly without telling anyone, except his sibling.

Wei wuxian sighs in relief when not even one of a talisman were missing. He observes his surroundings. His eyes widened in worried when he saw Lan wangji who was limping.

Maybe this would be the opportunity to approach the guy. Wei wuxian took a deep breath before making his way into the latter

"A-xian, what are you doing?". Wei wuxian freezes when he heard Jiang Yanli spoked behind him.

"A-ah... Shijie.. I just wanted to approach Lan er gongzi... He seems to be having a difficulty right now" Wei wuxian shyly said as he rubs the back of his neck.

"But..." Jiang Yanli protests. But there's no way for Wei wuxian to stop his doings even if he was the one who's gonna be at the risk for this.

"Alright, I'll go with you"

"Hey! What are you two planning without me, Huh?" Jiang Cheng spokes from behind.

"Were gonna approach Lan wangji. You don't need to come with us, We know how much of a trouble maker you are" Jiang Yanli said as she rolls her eyes.

Jiang Cheng frowned and pouted. He launched himself into Wei wuxian and whined to him at how much of a meanie Jiang Yanli is.

Wei wuxian could only chuckled at the man before pushing him away. "It's ok A-cheng. Shijie you don't need to accompany me. I'll be ok"

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