Chapter 9: Archery Competition

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Wei wuxian was roaming around the archery ground because he got suddenly lost. He just keeps roaming around trying to find anyone to ask where's the archery field was. Through his luck he found a guy at the training ground.


"Woah, This guy's Archery is not bad!" Wei wuxian thought as he slowly approached the guy who was aiming his bow at the target.

"Excuse me?" Wei wuxian spoked and was about to go even nearer to the guy but before he could do that, the guy accidentally released his bow's strings and shots his arrow at wei wuxian.

Wei wuxian eyes widened when he saw the arrow approachs him. Before Wei wuxian could even avoid the arrow, a talisman was thrown at the arrow which ending it aimed at the other way.

"Hey, watch where you aiming, you almost shot shi xiong!" A familiar voice shouted from behind.

Wei wuxian turn his head to see where was the familiar voice came from. He then saw jiang Cheng who leaped off from the rock which he seems to be sitting on earlier.

"I-im sorry! I didn't mean to shoot the a-arrow at you!" The guy stuttered in panic as he immediately runs away and hides himself behind a big rock.

Wei wuxian chuckled before he spoked. "It's alright little guy. Let's just be thankful that A-cheng was here to save me from the arrow"

"Shi xiong? What are you doing here?" Jiang cheng asked as he went beside wei wuxian. Wei wuxian patted Jiang cheng and he spoked. "I suddenly got lost so I roamed around to see if anyone could help me lead to the archery field. How about you, what are you doing here? Where's shijie?"

"En.. Well, Jie and I are at the archery field earlier, but then I suddenly got bored so i decided to roam aswell then i saw that guy who's doing an archery here" Jiang cheng slightly pouted.

"Shijie must be worried for the both of us. Let's go?" Wei wuxian spoked. "Ahn.. Well shi xiong I'm lost as well" Jiang cheng spoked as he rubbed the back of his neck. Wei wuxian sighs and he slightly laughed.

"I-I can bring you to the archery field!" A voice shouted from afar. Wei wuxian and Jiang cheng roamed their head as they tried to find where that voice came from. Then the guy earlier peeked his head behind the big rock.

"Really? Thank you little guy" Wei wuxian smiles at the guy. "N-no need to call me little guy... M-my name is Wen Ning" Wen ning spoked as he slowly approach the two.

"Thank you Wen Ning, But why are you here instead of being at the archery field?" Jiang cheng asked while his eye brows knitted in confusion.

"W-well the other people says that m-my archery is bad, thats why they didn't involve me at the archery competition" Wen Ning said as he lowered his head in embarrassment.

"Dude no way! Your archery is not even far from bad! You keep hitting the bullseye!" Jiang cheng shouted while frowning.

"How about this, I'll teach you some tips in archery?" Jiang cheng asked as he rested his arm at wen ning's shoulder.

"Go-gongzi no need to bother-" Wen ning eyes widened when jiang cheng suddenly snatched the bow he was holding.

"Im Jiang Cheng btw, and that guy behind us is Wei wuxian, his my Shi xiong" Jiang cheng spoked as he aimed his bow at the target while giving tips to Wen Ning who just keeps nodding at every tips. Wei wuxian admiringly watches those two. But then he suddenly remembered that they're going to be late at the archery competition if they didn't keep moving right now.

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