part 13

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Some how I thought I would loose him forever and all because I tried to protect him, I had to protect him, I pulled my blanket over my face in an attempt to hide from the world but I knew that my Mother would want to talk to me, I finished crying and sat up to talk to my Mother.

Jackson's POV

I walked out of the hospital and back to my house, it was a long walk but that didn't bother me. I was way too angry. I will find the person who did this and teach them a lesson but how?

She said it was one of James's friends so I will talk to him, he might be scared enough to snitch. Wait does James have social media. I typed his name into instagram and his profile popped up. Yes he had his location on, right now.

He was at the cafe across town. I got up and started walking to the cafe across town, I took a short cut though a back ally that I used to play in years ago. I looked in through the window and saw James sitting at the table alone, I decided to wait in the ally near the cafe and jump him on his way out.


I sat up and looked at my phone, I saw that there was no messages and by now I was getting worried. "Where is he." I whispered to myself while putting my phone back into my pocket and lying back down, soon after I fell asleep.

Jackson's POV :

I saw James walking out of the cafe and past the ally that I am in, I grabbed him and pulled deep into the ally.

I pushed him to the ground, he got up and tried to run away but I used my arm to stop him. (Coat hangared him) He hit his throat against my arm and fell back to the ground winded from the blow, he turned around and desperately tried to crawl away on his hands and knees like a bug (an infestation). I put my foot onto his back and pushed him against the ground, he has dirt and gravel on his face.

He winced in pain and took my foot off of him, I bent down to grabbed him by the collar and slam him against the wall.

This was easy because after our last fight I noticed that he was extremely light dispute his broad muscular figure, he winced again and I stared deeply into his eyes.

"Wh-why...please." James pleased to me, his confusion was quickly spreading with the fear that I was eating him up. I don't want to hurt him but I must so that I can protect Y/N.

"Which one of your buddies beat up my Y/N." I screamed into his face, his confusion soon vanished and he opened his mouth to answered but hesitated. I would need to pursuade him a little more, I held up my fist so that he knew what was coming next if he didn't speak.

"Michael, our leader....but he didn't mean to go that fare." James confessed and I let him go, he fell to the ground and didn't move. He just stared up at me like he had something to say, what could he possibly say that would make anything better.

"I really liked Y/N." James's words caught me off guard and I stumbled back.

"What." I asked in confusion, how could the guy that bullied her so much like her.

"I really liked her...that's why I teased her and I didn't think it was that bad." James explained, embarrassed and head lowered James got up and walked off.


I removed my phone from my pocket and called him straight away, he emidiatly answered the phone and greeted me happily.


"Hey Y/N, how are you?" Jackson asked as he answered the phone. "Good, just wondering what you are up to." I responded and further continued the conversation.

"Actually...I have great news." He said. I love it when he is this happy, I wonder what the good news may be.

"Really what is it?" I asked confused and impatient.

"You will have to wait...can I drop by the hospital." Jackson asked still in a good mood but I was getting more and more impatient by the second. "Sure but visiting hours closes in a couple of hours so you better hurry." I told him over the phone, he hung up and I couldn't wait until he arrived.

End of phone call.

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