part 15

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"I found out who your attacker is." He shouted excitedly, my eyes widened and I gasped out of reaction. "Jacks I...the reason that I didn't tell you who it was, was to protect you." I answered stuttering the whole way, I was glad that I had come clean with him tho.


I could see rage in Jackson's eyes and I soon regretted telling him about it, was this it? Would I loose him forever?

"YOU KNEW...AND YOU DIDN'T TELL ME?" He screamed at me as he sat up and got off the bed, I really blew it this time.

"It was to protect you." I answered plain and simple so that I wouldn't say anything else to fuck shit up. "Wait." I tried to yell but it came out much quieter, Jackson turned around and started to walk away. But he stopped and slightly turned around, he glared at me with cold dead eyes.

"I have someone to deal with." He said then continued walking, he got to the door before I tried getting out of bed. I stumbled over to him and fell over of my arms. He turned around and raced over to me, he caught me in his big muscular arms.

I was curled up on his lap and I felt very sleepy, he lifted my head up and pushed a piece of my hair behind my ear which made me smile and blush. "Please he could hurt you." I pleased through my whispers and looked up to face him, he smiled and kissed my forehead.

"Ok then...I will leave him alone but only for you." He answered in a soft tone and then I heard alarms go off in the hospital room, it was probably because I was out of bed. Slowly the sounds got quieter and quieter, I also got sleepier and sleepier until I passed out.

James's POV

"Do you know where Jackson went?" Michael asked me as we where running from place to place, He was panicking.

"I think he went to the hospital." I replied as quickly as I could, we both began running to the hospital which was all the way across town.

Jackson's POV

This is all my fault, I promised that I would never let anything bad happen to her but I broke my promise. I sat at the waiting chairs in the hall while the doctors where in her room. fixing her up, one of the nurses walked out and over to me. I stood up to listen carefully about the situation.

"Will she be ok?" I asked impatiently and worried for her health, the nurse looked down at her feet then up at me. I could tell...I could tell by the look on.

'I doesn't look good." The nurse answered then walked back into Y/N's hospital room, I fell back on my chair and put my face in my hands. I sobbed my eyes out in front of the whole hospital but I didn't care, I only care about Y/N.

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