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AUTHOR'S NOTE: so sorry if the formatting of this chapter is off! I tried my best to get it to look as close to a text conversation as I could. I actually got stuck with where I wanted this chapter to go, and I've been writing a few future chapters ahead - hence the forever wait for an update, and the threadbare content of this chapter 🤷🏼‍♀️

7/12 - added a tiny bit to the end. I keep wanting to tweak things here and there, but I figure if I don't go ahead and post chapters, imperfect as they are, I'll never get around to posting anything because I'll constantly be wanting to make it "better" 🤦🏼‍♀️

Thurs 10:37 pm

So, what exactly does one wear
for a trip to the concrete jungle?

Definitely some cargo shorts, one
of those safari hats, and a dollop
of sunscreen on the tip of your nose.

Ha Ha. Careful, Mr Wallace. I may
actually show up like that.

I dare you.

Pam would kill me.

Hm. We can't have that. Better stick to
walking shoes and casual clothes, then.

Fri 1:52 pm

Did you make it home safely?

Safe and sound. Thanks for
asking. How's your day?

Meh. So-so. At least it's Friday.
You sure that exhibition isn't

I'm sure I could find something
to do in the city if you need to
get out of town

If I didn't have plans, I'd take
you up on that offer. I promised
myself I'd finally get around to
finishing a book I started a
year ago

Fri 7:20 pm

So what book you reading?

A trashy romance with
a hint of mystery/thriller
mixed in

Let me know how it goes

Even the trashy parts? 😜

Ha! I'll let you keep those
to yourself

Sun 11:50 pm

Finished my book

Did the hero get the girl?

More than once

HA! Of course. And they solved
the mystery?

Yeah, it was Professor Plum in the
dining room with the candlestick.
So predictable.

😂 You're killing me

I just realized what time it is.
I'm so sorry I hope I didn't
wake you!

Nope. Just climbing into
bed actually.

Goodnight then


Wed 10:08 am

Hadn't heard from you
in a few days. Wanted
to make sure no car doors
got to you.

Ha! No I'm safe and sound
here in Scranton. How's
your week been?

Good. Busy. Looking forward
to this weekend and a
chance to relax.

Can we bring anything?

Nah. Your favorite pillow
I guess? I've got food

Let me know if you change
your mind.

Ok. I won't. Get back to work
Ms Gray

You texted ME, Mr Wallace


Fri 5:17 pm

On our way!!

See you soon!

Fri 6:35 pm

Jim says we're going to
stop and pick up some of
that coffee you love from
the convenient store before
the bridge

Jim has a death wish

They're laughing. I take it
it's disgusting?

If I was dying of thirst and
that coffee was the last
drop of liquid on this planet
I still wouldn't drink it.

Yikes. That's bad.

They're pulling in!


Well it was nice knowing you
David. Death by coffee, here
I come.

They're hazing you! 🤣
Sorry Char, I think you have
to do this if you want to join
our fraternity.

You mean if I don't do this I
can't sit with you??


WAIT! I need video proof that
you drank it!

You are all terrible people

Did you do it??

Yeah yeah. See you in 15 minutes

David grinned when he heard the sound of tires pulling into his driveway. Last Thursday he didn't think he'd be able to make it an entire week without seeing Charlotte, but the texts they had sent each other helped keep him home when he would have come up with an excuse to go visit the Scranton branch. He went to the door and opened it just as the trio were coming up the walkway. Jim and Pam had smiles on their faces, and David couldn't help but laugh when he saw Charlotte coming toward him with narrowed eyes and pursed lips.

"Really terrible people," she muttered even as he pulled her into a side hug and took her suitcase from her.

"We'll make it up to you somehow," he promised as he ushered everyone inside.

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