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The house was like when I first came here, lit with that warm purple glow that oozed from the purple curtains as the sun set. I liked how the purple shadows danced over the shiny polished wood of the furniture when the curtains were drawn across the windows and the day came to an end. It was undoubtedly my favourite time of the day as it looked like it was a fragment removed right out from a mystique purple world... every day for the last 30 minutes of a dull day. It was only in these hours of the day that the house felt like home and I felt less lonely though I could not explain why rather then the expendable beauty of it all that managed to scratch on the edges of the deepening hole of despair and loneliness in my chest.

Rose and dad were sitting across each other by the fireplace, their legs twirled around each other as they each read a book. The purple sunset looked magnificent on Rose's red hair and for a minute I loathed her less.

"Dad..." I whisper, not expecting him to hear but he looks towards me and nods for me to continue.

"I... I want to start training again, I miss it," his eyebrows shoot up in a way to silence me. I remembered that look because it was one of our secret looks that we shared when we were planning a surprise for mom. Somehow that memory just made me feel even more lonely.

"What training?" Rose looks briefly at dad then back at me. I'm about to reply but dad beats me to it, "piano training," I frown but slowly nod. Piano training? Why was he lying to Rose? I understood that not everyone had the same ideologies as dad and didn't think it necessary to train women, a disgrace even, but something about the fleeting panic on his face as he raised his eyebrows at me told me that there was something more to it.

"Oh love, I can train you, Im an excellent pianist, I'll play for both of you during dinner!" She was smiling so broadly it looked fake but the excitement in her voice was so evident and true. I look over at dad whose lips were set in a thin line and slowly nod at her.

"Don't call me love," her face drops and she nods.

"I've invited Paul over again, since you said you feel lonely and need friends," I nod again and start walking up to my room. The moment I get there I quickly look for a notebook and note down everything I've observed that would help me understand what was going on.

1) Masud - part of inferior group or criminals that wear blue uniform for identification. Most of them are very tan indicating that they spend hours in the sun.
2) Why the blue uniform identification? Probably to make them feel inferior and to know between them and us. Who is who?
•Only criminals need an identification through clothing. Masud could be serving some of his time through free labor here.
4) Key? They needed some sort of key from General Wilhelm. Locked up criminals, further proving my theory that Masud may be a criminal serving his time. Are they trying to attempt a prison break?
5) Killings? Criminals are usually killed if they have committed horrendous crimes.

I quickly write at the bottom of the page my conclusion and circle it a few times:


That conclusion didn't satisfy me even though I tried my best to believe it was true and that Masud was just a manipulator that was trying to make me side with him so that he can get easier access to whatever he wants, after all I am all but a naïve general's daughter. He is unpleasant to me and makes me feel stupid and weak but why did that just not add up in that brain of mine? Why was Paul helping them? Was he a criminal too? Was their manipulation that immaculate that they had me questioning a completely rational conclusion?

I leave the notebook because it was making my head pound and my room was growing darker. I wasn't making any mistakes. My dad has always been a good general that has always done the right thing, this was right, it was the right conclusion and I was settling with it. I move towards my bedroom window and stare at Masud who was aggressively plowing the ground, trying my best not to look at his bare sweaty back because he found it adequate to be half naked in this cool evening breeze. My conclusion was right and I was settling for it, I let my gaze lower down to his back, his muscles were straining, his whole back moving in a way that made my stomach churn. It was the right conclusion, why was I breathing so heavily? I watch a single drop of sweat dance down his spine and disappear into his modest looking bum and swallow. What was I concluding about?  I wondered what he looked like from the front. As if hearing my thoughts, Masud turns and his eyes clash with mine, instinctively I quickly hide beside the window, letting my head rest on the wall.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2022 ⏰

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