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i havent been on wattpad in almost 2 years and a lot has changed since then.
when i started writing this "book" i was a little 1d obsessed pre-teen girl who wanted to find her place in the world and talk with other larries and directioners.
but since that ive grown a lot and im sorry to disappoint but im officially finishing this book :)
it was really short and i hope that some of you got a good laugh out of it because i sure as hell did (reading your comments made me hysterically laugh sometimes, i love you guys)
and another disappointment: i dont listen to the boys anymore. and i have no idea what the recent larry theories are. but since harrys 3rd album just came out im sure that there definitely are a lot.
i know that a lot of you might not read this chapter at all but if you are reading, thank you!
i seriously cant thank you guys enough for all of the positive feedback you guys have given me. i hadnt even opened this book for two years until today because i randomly decided to check my junk email and found my wattpad notifications there.
and yup i somehow still get comment notifications every. single. day! i just cant believe that!
but honestly, you guys are the funniest people and your comments made my day :)
i hope that you guys had as much fun with this book as i did and i know that this book will get so many more readers in the future.
okay, okay, ill finally say it: I BELIEVE IN LARRY. or believed. idk anymore since i havent heard from them in so long and my teenage years of obsession are over :D
but i think that if you read at least one chapter of this book, you wouldve already known that ;)
anyways, thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!
i love you guys,
byeeee <333
(ps sorry for all of the grammar mistakes in the book, if you hadnt already guessed: im not english so it was sometimes pretty hard to find the right words. i hope i made it work tho)

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