proof nr 16

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Okayy so people have been waiting for this one and here it is.
Habit lyric analysis!
Lets gooooo (also its 100% about El)

I always said that I'd mess up eventually
I told you that, so what did you except from me?

Oof, yeah it's again about this time when Elounor broke up. Louis always told her that he will mess up one day and that she shouldn't trust him

It shouldn't come as no surprise anymore
I know you said that you'd give me another chance

He feels so sad for breaking things off with Eleanor and he remembers the time she told him that she will always give him another chance.

But you and I knew the truth of it in advance
That mentally, you were already out the door

He was pretty sure that she will not forgive him for what he did. I hate seeing him sad :(((

Never thought that giving up would be so hard
God, I'm missing you and your addictive heart

He doesn't want to give up on them and El is probably addicted to smoking sooo he misses that a lot :(( aww

You're the habit that I can't break
You're the feeling I can't put down
You're the shiver that I can't shake
You're the habit that I can't break
You're the hight that I need right now
You're the habit that I can't break

He CANNOT live without El and he is addicted to her, just like she is addicted to cigarettes :)

I took some time cause I've ran out of energy
Of playing someone I heard I'm supposed to be
But honestly, I don't have to choose anymore

Well he's so tired of people calling him gay and stuff.. PEOPLE JUST CAN'T LEAVE MY BABY ALONE SMH. He will ALWAYS pick Eleanor. Periodt.

And it's been ages, different stages
Come so far from Princess Park
I'll always need ya
In front of me, in front of me

Awww ofc, he lived with El in Princess Park for some time. I miss those days :(


You gave me time and space
I was out of control, and I'm sorry I let you down
Guess that I know what I already knew
I was better without you, and I miss you now

He missed El so much in that time and he just wanted her back. I'm so happy that he got that now!!

If you want me to do more lyric analysis, then comment songs that i should look at <3 (I might do one on Home, an iconic Elounor song!)
I love you my beautiful Elounor shippers and remember: fuck Larry :)

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