proof nr 1

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this is when i met El and Lou:

i was walking on a street, i needed to go and buy some things for a party that I'm gonna do.

at one moment i saw elounor walking on the street. i freaked out and got this 'fangirl' moment.

i went up to them and said hi. they were sooo sweet with me and i talked with them about one direction and stuff like that.

(it was 2012 btw)

so idk how but we started talking about elounor. i said how cute they are together and they said thanks and smiled.

i took a photo with them too, sadly it's in my old phone :(

anyways before i left something happened that is a BIG elounor proof.

so i was about to leave, but we still talked about eleanor. i was already saying 'bye, have a nice day' when somehow Harry came there too.

i was fangirling sooo hard and i said how much i love him, but he didn't really care.

he just started talking about elounor too. and then something shocking happened:

Harry whispered something to Louis and Louis immediately took his hand away from El.

i was there standing, while i was in shook.


so Harry kissed Louis and i was about to pass out.

then they gave me 1000 dollars so I'm not gonna tell anyone that larry is real.

oh then Louis took Eleanor's hand and said goodbye to Harry whit a sad face. then Harry and Louis kissed and i said goodbye to them.

if you think about what happened to me after that then i went to a hospital because i was about to pass out.

so this convinced me that elounor is real.

you stupid ass larries are so stupid! there are no proof for larry, all of that is just made up!
all of you need to see this, maybe then you open your eyes and see the love between el and lou.


Harry and Louis SAID to me that larry is not real and i believe them! i will only ship larry if they say that larry is real.

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