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A woman, first a baby girl coming into the world praying to be accepted by her father because he may prefer 'a bouncing baby boy', growing up as a child she is taught the clear differences between her and her brothers and is given clear rules on what she must do and not do, when she is at the proper age to hold responsibilities she is given them and must learn to perfect them in order to become a good girl. She must maintain the household and above all maintain her dignity.
When she is old enough if she is opportune, is sent to school, she knows she has to do well so that she doesn't waste her father's hard earned money, as she grows she's constantly reminded of marriage not only by her parents and friends but the whole community. They instill various ideas etched in stone about who she must marry, when she must marry and the biggest idea of all they make it seem as though her being married is the highlight of her life, they mostly forget about the fact that she may have dreams as well as ambitions that she can in fact handle as well as having a stable marriage.
But thankfully they are those few people out there, mostly women who seek to broaden the Horizon for female children, they give opportunities, a ray of hope, trust and a comfort zone for women in the world struggling through one thing or the other but unfortunately just as everything has its bad and good sides they also do, some have deviated so far away from the original cause of the movement adding irrelevant constituents to a battle that has been fought for ages. There has to be a balance between because the world needs ''women''.
We are the pillar of everything; we are daughters, siblings, wives, mothers, daughters-in-law, aunties, nieces, grandmothers, just as we were once grandchildren to our grandparents and for some lucky few great-grandmothers.

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