Smack! ☆

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Warnings: violence, Swearing

Alejandro called Heather. He felt ever so slightly nervous as the phone rang. He had asked many women on dates before, all of which had said yes. However, none of those women could even begin to compare to the likes of Heather.

Heather was taller for a girl, which Alejandro found amazing. Not only that, but she was a very rude and bossy person. She didn't see any point in not telling the truth, and whether that hurt your feelings or not was your problem, not hers. She didn't like most people and made that very apparent. She was known for being an evil queen, constantly spreading rumors about those who she found to be less than. She showed this numerous times on the show, with her hatred towards Gwen and Leshawna being most notable.

Alejandro found all of that to be wonderful, especially since he's gained the very flattering title of evil king.

"What," Alejandro heard from the other side of the phone. It wasn't a question, but a demand. The need to know why he would possibly think to call her.

"Heather! We should go on a date today. The mall?" Alejandro said. He said the mall as a question just so that it seemed like she may have a choice in the matter. However, the simple truth being that she didn't have a choice and she would be going on a date to the mall.

"Ugh, sure. I needed some stuff anyway," Heather said. Alejandro could practicality hear the eyeroll through the phone, something he knows she does more often than not. He also knew her not shouting and then hanging up meant she actually wanted to go with him.

"Great, I'll pick you up in ten," Alejandro said and hung up the phone. He got on his thin leather jacket and shoes and got into his car.

Alejandro drove to Heather's house, where he very affectionately honked the horn, the nice way of telling her to hurry the hell up because he was already there. Fifteen- or so- seconds later, Heather walked in in a white crop top with black ripped skinny jeans. She had beige wedges and a little beige purse, along with some stare shaped sunglasses.

"Alright, let's go," She demanded. Alejandro, being the gentleman he is, listened to Heather and immediately left, the destination being the mall.


Alejandro and Heather arrive at the mall. Alejandro quickly got out before Heather got a chance to and opened up her door for her.

"Wow, such manners," She said sarcastically and stepped out of the car.

"I know," Alejandro said with a teased smirk, to which she scoffed at.

"Whatever, let's just go in," Heather mumbled and walked past Alejandro, whose smirk grew into a smile.

Once the two entered the mall, they were met with the aromas of savory foods, ranging from sushi to pasta. Alejandro and Heather walked past the food court, not very interested in eating.

"Hey look, it's gothy's store," Hearher said with a snicker while pointing towards Hot Topic. Alejandro simply rolled his eyes but smiled nonetheless.

"I think she worked there at one point," Alejandro said to Heather. He was well aware of how much the girl loved new-found information on her enemies.

"Really?! What a loser," Heather said with a shit-eating grin. Alejandro took the opportunity of her being distracted to grab her hand. She immediately whipped her head to the side to look at him. Alejandro simply smiled.

"What's wrong, mi amor?" Alejandro asked innocently.

"Why are you holding my hand?" Heather asked, straightforward, as per usual.

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