Childhood Troubles ☆

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-Courtney Backstory-

Warnings: Swearing, crying, Mentioned child neglect, f-slur (censored), homophobia, fighting, abandonment.

(This doesn't follow previously noted timelines.)

Courtney was running around, feeling very excited for that afternoon. Her brother was coming home from studying abroad. He was following in the family footsteps, studying to be a lawyer. Their mother is a lawyer and father a doctor, which gives them only those two options in life. They could however always go the third route and be disappointments, but the Satella family didn't raise disappointments.

Courtney was upstairs in her room, singing a random tune she heard on the radio once while playing with her dolls. She was six when her brother first left, making her now seven. She heard knocking at front door. She immediately dropped everything she was doing and ran downstairs to see her eldest brother at the door with someone peaking out from behind him.

"Alex!" She screeched and ran towards her brother. He stretched his arms out and she jumped into him. He caught her and picked her up, walking into the house.

"Hey Court! Where's mom?" Alex asked. He already had an idea, but figured he would ask anyway.

"She's still at work, but she said she would be home before dinner," Courtney said, her face dug into Alex's shirt.

"Did she leave you home alone?" Alex asked, concerned at the thought of a seven year old being left alone with no supervision.

"Well, the babysitter was here, but mom told her seven hours, and so she left at the seven hour mark," Courtney explained, very smart for her age.

"Oh? How long ago was that?" Alex asked, bouncing his sister.

"Uhhh, I think it was twenty minutes ago?" Courtney said, guessing.

"Mm, I'll have to talk to mom about that," Alex mumbled.

"Alex?" Courtney asked.

"Yes, sunshine?" Alex carried Courtney to the couch, the stranger that was behind Alex following him. He hasn't said anything yet, which Courtney found rather rude.

"Who's the guy with you? He hasn't said anything yet. It's rude," Courtney said. She pouted slightly towards the end of her sentence.

"Oh, that's my boyfriend, Will. I'm sorry if you think he was being rude," Alex apologized and nudged Will slightly, who just chuckled slightly.

"I'm sorry, love. Hello Courtney, my name is Will. It's lovely to finally meet you. Alex talks about you a lot," Will said and shook the small child's hand, which she appreciated. He had a thick British accent, something Courtney was intrigued by.

"Your voice is funny. But in a nice way," She stated simply before turning the TV on. Alex and Will both laughed at this. She gave then a funny look but just shook her head.

After watching some random show for ten or so minutes, Alex got bored.

"Hey Court, do you wanna watch a movie?" Alex asked, already grabbing the remote. Courtney agreed and Alex put on Princess and the Frog.

"Mm, I like this movie," Will said. Alex nodded and leaned his head on Will's shoulder. Courtney yawned and crawled onto Alex's lap where she started dozing off. Alex played with her hair and smiled at his sister.

"Do you think she likes me?" Will asked, slightly nervous as to whether the small child approved of him or not.

"Trust me, you would know if she didn't," Alex reassured his boyfriend.

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