Flower Shop ☆

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Show never happened AU

Warnings: Slight Zoke

Trent woke up, simultaneously not excited to be up and very excited to be starting his first day at his new job. He got out of bed and checked the time, 7:30 AM. The exact time he set his alarm to. He turned off the alarm and went to get dressed.

He had set out the clothes he was going to wear the previous night, like a kid excited for the first day of school.

Trent took his pajamas off, which consisted of a pair of sweatpants and no shirt, and put on his clothes for the day.

Trent put on his all black shirt except for the green collar and green sleeves. He put on his dark brown khaki pants. He looked in the mirror and, feeling rather confindent, decided that this outfit would have to do. He put on white socks he found in his drawer and went to the bathroom, where he combed his hair and brushed his teeth.

Trent put on his green converse shoes and left, locking his front door. He decided to walk, the shop only being two blocks away from his house.

Trent walked into shop, hearing a ding above his head, indicating that the shop had a bell above the door.

"Hello?" He said to the girl working the front register. She had short blue hair and very dark, gothic makeup. She look up at Trent. He smiled at her nervously and waved slightly.

"Oh hey! Are you Trent? Dawn said I should be expecting a boy with black hair," The girl said and smiled at Trent.

"Yeah I am! What's your name?" He asked.

"I'm Gwen," She replied. It was silent for a bit before Trent spoke up.

"So, are you going to show me around?" He asked, his nervousness creeping back up to the surface.

"Oh yeah! Sorry. Here, let me give you the full tour," Gwen said and beckoned Trent to follow her.

Gwen gave Trent the full tour of the flower shop. She showed him what was being the employees only door, which turned out to be a hallway with three more doors.

One door led to a breakroom, featuring a mini fridge, sink, and microwave. Another door led to a bathroom. It only had a sink and a toilet, but Trent didn't really mind. He imagined he was the first boy to work here in a long while. The last door led to a security room, featuring live feed from the cameras inside and around the building. Trent wasn't really too sure why a flower shop had such high-end security, but he didn't question it too much.

Gwen then went on to show Trent where the different greenery goes and how to care for them if your opening or closing.

"So yeah, that's pretty much it. I imagine you know how to work a register?" She asked him.

"Yeah I do," He said with a nod.

"Alright, then that's it. We're usually not too busy but we get slammed during Valentines Day, Mother's Day, Father's Day, and sometimes in the summer. Although we always have at least one customer everyday." Gwen explained.

Just as Gwen finished her sentence, the door rang. A man with spiked dark hair walked in. He had on a blue-ish green shirt and dark blue jeans on.

He walked up to the counter.

"Hey, do you guys do custom bouquets?" He asked with a very pleasant smile on his face.

"Yes we do! What did you have in mind?" Gwen asked. She walked around the counter to talk to him.

"Uh, like a light pink, orange, and white bouquet?" He said.

Gwen nodded and walked him around, showing him the different flowers and how different combinations looked.

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