Chapter 1.

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Julieta POV.

Today's the day Lilac comes home it's been years and she's finally coming home!

Mirabel“ Mamá, Mamì is home!

Lilac POV.

I'm standing in front of the house the door opens and I am met with Augustine.

Augustine“ Welcome home Lil.

Lilac“ Thanks.

He takes my suitcase and I follow him inside and I see Mirabel who's looking at me with a big smile.

She runs towards me and hugs me I pat her back.

Augustine POV.

What happened with those doctors she's completely numb.

She looks around until her eyes land on Alma oh no.

Alma“ Lilac it's wonderful-.

She walks past Alma and heads to her room.

Alma“ *sighs*.

Augustine“ Can't blame her Ma.

Lilac POV.

I enter my room and I see my bedroom is still clean I see my wedding photo and I hold it.

The best day of my life now it's just memory fading reminding me of my age.

I hear the door open and I see Julieta who's hair is in a braid then her usual bun.

Julieta“ *tears up* Lilac Amor.

She pulls me into a hug and I pat her back and she kisses my lips I kiss back.

Julieta“ You must be tired go lay down sweetie I'll call you when dinner is ready.

I nod and head to bed.

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