Chapter 5.

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Lilac POV.

I'm pacing my bedroom irritable and scratching my arm my arm is bleeding because of the scratching.

Julieta“ Amor I made din *shocked* WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?

Lilac“ Um uh.

Julieta grabs my hands and looks at me with worry blood rubbing off on her dress.

Julieta“ *sighs*.

She takes me downstairs and gives me an arepa I take a bite and my arm is healed.

Julieta“ Let's go eat dinner *glares* And we are talking about this tonight!

I nod and we head to the table.

*After dinner*

I'm sitting with Julieta and Augustine, Julieta made me wear gloves to prevent the scratching.

Augustine“ Ok lilac we need to find ways to distract you from those damn pills.

Lilac“ Maybe one pi-.

They glare and I shut my mouth.

Julieta“ *gasp* I know why don't we go to our cottage with the girls we'll go swimming Lilac can paint oh it can be just like old times!

Lilac“ I guess that will work how long would we be their for?

Augustine“ Until your mind is off those pills *smiles* And hey we'll have a romantic time as well.

Lilac“ *blushes and smiles* I'll go pack!

Augustine POV.

I watch Lilac run to her bedroom to pack I look at Julieta with a smile.

Julieta“ I'll tell the girls.

Augustine“ And I shall pack our bags.

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