Chapter 4.

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Lilac POV.

It's been 3 days without my meds and I've been agitated and frustrated.

Augustine“ Lilac Julieta made your *sees Lilac shaking* Sweetheart?

I look at Augustine with shaky breaths and tears.

Lilac“ Just one pill?

Augustine“ *sighs* I'm sorry Amor but I thought of something to distract you after you eat.

Lilac“ *nods*.

*After breakfast*

Augustine takes me outside to my old greenhouse it's still in good shape?

Augustine“ Isabella hasn't planted a single plant sense you were um.

Lilac“ Sent away?

Augustine nods and opens the door I see fresh soil and I look around.

Lilac“ Um where are the girls?

Augustine“ Chores-.

Lilac“ I want my daughters now Augustine it's a Saturday they should relax.

Augustine POV.

The old lilac is coming back YES!

* An hour later *

Lilac POV.

My daughters walk in and I have them seeds of different flowers.

I gave Isabella tiger roses Mirabel blue orchids and Luisa violets.

* If no one knows what a tiger rose is *

* My ex Bf bought me one the day he moved away were still good friends but boy can he pick a flower *

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* My ex Bf bought me one the day he moved away were still good friends but boy can he pick a flower *

Isabella“ Mamì I could grow these with my gift.

Mirabel“ *elbows Isabella* Mamì hates when we use our gifts to much let's be normal for once.

Luisa“ I agree with Mira.

I smile at my two youngest respecting my wishes, I never liked the gifts I always wanted them to try not to rely on them.

Isabella“ *smiles* That would be fun I guess.

We start planting and I start humming a song I use to sing to them as children.

Lilac“ My mother told me someday I will buy.

Mirabel“ Galleys with good oars sails to distant shores.

Me and grab hands dance.

Isabella“ Stand up on the prow noble baroque I steer!

Luisa“ Steady course to the haven hew many foe-men hew many foe-men.

We hum the rest of the song and we finish planting.

Lilac“ That's a good job Muchachas.

Isabella“ How long will it take for them to bloom.

Lilac“ A month I think sweetie.

Isabella“ *groans* I can't wait that long!

Lilac“ *laughs* Well get use to it cause from now on no using gifts on the weekend.

Luisa“ What about our chores?

Lilac“ Leave that to me.


Lilac“ So Pepa you agree with me?

Pepa“ Your right the kids deserve weekends off *forms cloud* FELIX QUIT READING AND COME WITH ME!

I smile in victory until Felix throws me over his shoulder.

Lilac“ HEY!

Felix“ your idea so your confronting Alma with Pepa.

I can't look at that woman not without my meds!

He sets me on the floor and we are standing in front of Alma who's looking at us with confusion.


Alma“ Ok.

Pepa“ AND WE'RE NOT *confused* What?

Alma“ Last year I promised change and this is a good start *claps hands* I'll let the children know at dinner *smiles* Who's idea was this?

Pepa“ Lilacs.

I look down at the floor playing with my fingers.

Alma“ Well done Lilac I'm glad you thought of that.

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