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Snogging and Hexing

Snogging and Hexing

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Dylan was right. 

It was Malcolm Cho. 

She made this discovery as soon as she rounded the corner heading towards Casseopiea's stupid 'makeout spot' by the statue of the one-eyed witch. She had seen Cassie kissing lots of dudes before, but never this... aggressively. 

It almost looked like Malcolm was eating her entire face. His whole mouth was around hers, and they were making really strange and disgusting slurping noises. Good god, she would have given anything to have not walked into whatever this was. 

Jesus Christ, she should have brought Scamander with her. 

She was so fed up with Cassie's shit that she walked straight up to the disgustingly attached starfish-looking couple, and cleared her throat very loudly. 

Cassie was the one to pull away. She jumped and screeched a bit when she saw Dylan. Malcolm, however, could have given a dementor's ass less and kept kissing down Cassie's neck. 

Finally, after several awkward seconds of Cassie and Dylan looking at each other, Cassie shoved Malcolm away from her respectfully. 

"We'll continue this later," Cassie told him. "For now, I must indulge in this lovely young lady and take up as much of her time as possible." 

Malcolm pouted, but winked at Cassie and turned around, swaggering back towards the staircase that led to the Ravenclaw dormitory. Once he was out of earshot, Dylan rounded on Cassie. 

"What do you think you're doing? Do you want to be named the biggest broad of Gryffindor tower or something? Just keep making out with a new guy every week if that's really what you want. You should probably warn your best friend though, so that she doesn't walk in on you sucking face with some random dude." she said through gritted teeth. 

Cassie leaned against the wall, still in a daze. "Alright, alright, you're right. All the girls already call me the 'designated hoe of Gryffindor tower,' but what do I care? They're just mad that I can kiss and toy with the heartstrings of literally all of the boys here." Cassie grinned a big, goofy grin full of mischief at Dylan. 

"... alright fine. I'm not mad at you. Tell me about it now so I don't have to listen to it right before we go to bed and get nightmares." 

Dylan and Cassiepiea walked towards the great hall, Cassieopiea explaining every tiny detail of her disgusting snogging. It got increasingly more disgusting as they walked, Dylan wanting to roll over on the ground vomiting. She restrained herself, however, and seated herself in her favorite spot at the Gryffindor table. She instantly grabbed a signature Hogwarts roll and shoved it in her mouth. It was buttery and amazing, as always. 

She noticed Newt looking her way from the Hufflepuff table, and waved at him. He seemed to snap out of a daze, and awkwardly waved back to her, going a bit pink underneath those perfect curls. 

Dylan smiled and looked at her chunky black boots. Scamander was a little adorable when he tried. Meanwhile, Cassie was making heart eyes at Malcolm across the hall. It made Dylan sick to see the way Malcolm bit into his roll and looked at Cassie. 

"Ew, he's so disgusting," Dylan said, looking at the two of them in disgust. 

Cassiopeia sighed. "He's a quidditch captain, did you know that? I'm a sucker for athletic boys." 

Dylan rolled her eyes and put her chin in her hand. People are so weird when they find the other one attractive. She grabbed another roll and put it in her mouth. 

At the Slytherin table, Octavius Black was holding court with his best friends, Archer Zabini and Anton Nott. They were all joking around about the first years at the Hufflepuff table, fighting over a single roll left in the basket. 

"I thought those Hufflepuff bastards were supposed to be kind," Anton said, shaking his head and grinning. 

"Oh, well that's all lies. The youngest Scamander brother spilled a bottle of ink on me the other day in Defense Against The Dark Arts and didn't even help me clean it up. He just sat there and did nothing. Does he know who he's dealing with?" Octavius spat. 

"Isn't that him there?" Archer said, pointing to a spot at the end of the Hufflepuff table. Two students sat there, both eating in silence. 

"Yeah, that's both the Scamander brats," Anton replied, nodding. Suddenly, he whipped around to Octavius. "Hex him, V." 

"Yeah, do it!" Archer encouraged. "And get the older one too. He's making eyes at your favorite Gryffindor," he said. 

Sure enough, as Octavius looked at Newt Scamander, he was looking straight across the hall at the beautiful Dylan Spinet, who had been the person Octavius had most coveted for his whole life. He'd never been able to quite figure her out, but he was determined to this year. 

And Newt Scamander was not standing in his way. 

Octavius pulled his wand out of his robes under the table and pointed it at Newt underneath the table. 

"Petrificus Totalus," he whispered, and just like that Newt Scamander fell straight backward off of the bench. 

Newt's brother looked down at Newt with wide eyes. "Newt?" he asked, reaching down and grabbing the front of his robes. 

Dylan's head shot up off her hand. She heard the commotion and looked over to see Newt on the floor, his younger brother looking down at him and pulling on his robes desperately. She jumped up out of her seat and rushed over to help Newt. What if he'd hurt himself? His brain certainly could afford no more damage, considering how bad he was now at translating runes. Some part of her was also genuinely worried about him, somewhere in there. She heard laughter and looked over to see Octavius and his two goons laughing their heads off. 

As soon as Octavius saw Dylan looking at him, he smiled his classic 'charmer' and winked at her. Dylan instantly had no doubt in her mind that whatever had happened to Newt was all stupid Octavius's fault. That big stupid git. 

Dylan was gonna get him back. Right where it hurt the most. 

She was going to kill that stupid ego of his. 

And if Scamander was involved, that was just a plus. 

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